Tarantino’s First Film Online

Quintin Tarantino’s very first film, “My Best Friend’s Birthday,” has shown up on YouTube! This half hour, black and white film cost him $5000 and was shot while he was still a video rental store clerk. The film, which was meant to be around 70 minutes long, was edited to 36 minutes after a fire in a lab destroyed much of the film during the editing process. This 1987 gem was what got him noticed, and served as inspiration for True Romance.

I just love this. As I’ve said before, I think Tarantino is hit or miss for me, but seeing his very first work is incredibly insightful, inspiring and fascinating!

Anyone else think this is as cool as I do?


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About Hollywood Slinky

The Hollywood Slinky has lived in Los Angeles, Chicago and Chattanooga. The Slinky attended film school at Columbia College in Chicago, is one of the creators and host of the film-centered podcast Lights Camera Cleveland and is currently a public relations specialist for a multi-million dollar corporation. Mostly, though, he just loves movies.

3 thoughts on “Tarantino’s First Film Online

  1. COOL. Has anyone caught M. Night Shamalama’s 1st film? it’s on the Signs dvd extra’s (that or Unbreakables) and goes to show you the difference between the two.

    good to see “Tino’s” chops were clear from the word “go”

    just sayin’

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