Disney says No Musicals and No Princesses

Disney has announced that for the forseeable future there will not be any “princess” characters introduced and instead of musicals and whimsical animation, they will grow a pair and start marketing films toward fashionista tweens and video gamer boys.

Ramascreen says

Remember the reason why Disney changed the title from Rapunzel into TANGLED? Because they didn’t want the movie prejudged by its title, they didn’t want people to assume it’s a fairy tale for girls only.
Via Yahoo, looks like Disney animation read the signs and decided that they’re done making movies about fairy tales and princesses..

Disney Animation co-chief Ed Catmull told the L.A. Times..
“They may come back later because someone has a fresh take on it,”
“but we don’t have any other musicals or fairy tales lined up.”


Wait… No musicals? Did Disney not hear the praise from all the classical animation fans thanking them for The Princess and the Frog returning to its hand drawn roots and musical numbers? That felt like old Disney Magic for sure!


And what about movies like Aladdin and Lion King? Easily the best of their classics and both were rife with musical numbers and adventure. Massive hits for the studio.


It is a sad day that Disney is walking away from all of this and throwing out the baby with the bathwater because they think these are too girly.


I thought Princess and the Frog was going to lead them back into the Oscar contenders of anmiated films with real heart and soul … instead we get Reboot Ralph… a boy who has to contend in the X-Box age (I didn’t make that up)


Luckily, fans of the Disney princess movies can still access these classics by purchasing them through this online store. All of the greatest Disney movies of all time, including the newer ones are available, giving the next generation of children the chance to own a piece of history. Just because Disney has decided not to create any new princess movies does not mean that young girls should have to grow up without this genre of film in their lives. Online DVD stores are making these movies easily accessible for all.



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4 thoughts on “Disney says No Musicals and No Princesses

  1. This untill the next 3 films tank. then they’ll wise up and go back to the basic formula the great Disney started in the first place.

    Tangled DID seem like a Girlie movie from the teaser BUT since has shown alot more of guy appeal dur to recent cuts of that trailer. Male kids will watch girls in movies as long as they kick a little ass.

    This sounds like bad management decisions. But all he really did say was “we dont have anything lined up”. but of course this can change overnight

  2. since when did teenagers and boys become a bigger target than the family demographic?

    this is like if Microsoft dropped their xbox division and instead focused on cooking appliances because it didn’t want to exclude females. Seems like they ARE growing a pair… and they’re named, Tweedle Dumb and Tweedle Dumber.

  3. I hate this, I am a male and those princess tales or fantasies were not gender specific. These were movies that crossed gender and generations based on the depth and soul that were within the ink.

    My five year old son loves fox and the hound and beauty and the beast among others. What made Disney great was that there were no concessions and they made Disney movies.

    I hope they don’t start trying to conform to what is percieved to be trendy.

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