Alice Eve left First Class for Fantastic Four Reborn?

All casting news related to Marvel seem to be about Fox’s X-Men First Class lately and this one mostly is. Just recently we heard that Alice Eve was a near lock for the role of Emma Frost, but last minute she was replaced by January Jones and left the project without an explaination.

Leaving without a reason just sparks specualtion and rumour and two rumours are running hand in hand right now. The first is that she didn’t like the script and ran away screaming, while the second says she actually WAS signed for the role but asked to be released in favour of another Marvel franchise role. Possibly the Enchantress for Thor, or Susan Storm in the Fantastic Four Reboot. says:

Alice Eve actually had been cast as Emma Frost, but asked out of the film when she didn’t like the latest set of script changes, which opened the door for January Jones. If it’s true, that means one of two things – Eve wasn’t happy with the quality of the script in general, or she wasn’t happy with how Emma Frost was being handled in particular. (It might have to do with the fact that the absurdly huge cast likely won’t give anyone a lot of screen time.) Of course, it may just be that she wanted out of this because she was up for a part in an even bigger Marvel movie, namely Avengers/Thor2 or Fantastic Four Reborn

Now we don’t know if there is any truth to EITHER of these rumours, but if she is up for a bigger Marvel role, at least we can ignore the negiative buzz over her leaving because she thought the script sucked.

If she is cast as the Enchantress in The Avengers, it will be a small role to set the stage for Thor 2, and I can’t see a need to give up First Class for something that small. First Class starts filming next week, and Avengers isn’t filming until the new year.

The other role she is rumoured for is Sue Storm, the Invisible Girl. But that too wouldn’t be filming for some time yet, and wouldn’t interfere with First Class.

I really like the idea of Eve for Sue Storm. She even looks good as a blonde, and can act.

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5 thoughts on “Alice Eve left First Class for Fantastic Four Reborn?

  1. Damn, I think she has a great look for Emma Frost. Too bad. I just hope she didn’t leave because the script is crap. Not just because her character may have less screen time now, but the script as a whole.

    Oh well, I think she’d still make a good Sue Storm as well. If any thing she at least has a desent age look for it. Unlike Alba’s almost jailbaitness for the first 2 movies.

  2. I say she left because of the script AND left for another Marvel related film. I think her leaving when the script had to have the revision due to Inception affected her screen time and she was skeptical. The two kind of go hand in hand. One minute=rewrite/few pages ripped out. Next minute, bye-bye and happy trails.

    Wanna hear something funny? I’m probably wrong. But if I’m right don’t start the witchhunt.

    Amazing Spider-Man 3-D?

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