New Thor Image – Wielding Mjolnir

Thanks to Comic-Con festivities we’ve been getting lots of updates and new information regarding Marvel’s future films like Captain America and Thor. Today, a new picture was released in USToday that includes a gritty, rained-down Thor (Chris Hemsworth) in regular civilian clothes, wielding the famous hammer.

I like it. Hemsworth looks insane wielding that hammer. Look at those guns. That’s what I’m talking about, Thor in action. We need to get more images like this one. These are the kinds of images that get fans excited, more so than that of the costumes and set pieces. I believe that much of the film will have Thor in Earth. And I don’t mind that. As long as we get decent screen time in Asgard, I’m ok with it. I’m really looking forward to this film. Can’t wait for actual real footage.

What do you guys think? You like this image?

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13 thoughts on “New Thor Image – Wielding Mjolnir

  1. When Hulk lifted the Hammer, it was’nt in normal continuity. It was in the Ultimates universe. Hulk has never been worthy to lift the Hammer in normal continuity.

    THor looks as if hes trying really hard to lift the hammer in the picture, so im guessing he hasn’t proved himself worthy enough to be able to weild it at this point in the story. Afterall, he did get banished from Asgard due to his recklesness. SO maybe, the majority of the film is about a God having to learn what it means to be human and therefore humility and honour.

  2. Actually, it looks like that might be the sceene where he reclaims the hammer. It appears as though they’ve built a warehouse around the crater shown at the end of IM2.

    I had no idea Hemsworth was so big! His arms look massive. I had my doubts at first, but dude looks the part in that sceene.

    1. I was going to say the same thing.

      Looks like this is where he brakes in retrieve hammer. I am glad he bulked up for this part. I really hope this movie is good.

      1. Exactly correct. The hammer Mjolnir has been lifted by several other people besides Thor. Captain America, Beta Ray Bill, Odin, Eric Masterson and Superman are just a few.

        With Hensworth looking so huge, I wonder if they’re abandoned the frail, disabled Don Blake aspect of the story. He looks more like Eric Masterson than Don Blake. Maybe they’ll give him a bumb leg or something like that. Personally, I hope they haven’t totally dropped the disabled aspect of the Blake character. Blake being frail and disabled has always been a major plot piece in the Thor series.

      2. hulk picked that shit up and threw it at Thor like it was a puppy!
        No but in all serious I have to say this is the first pic that makes me want to wait in line for 4 hours to see this. He looks huge. Looking good marvel. TAKE THAT GREEN PAMPER!

  3. Very cool. I have to say that hammer looks awesome, it’d be crazy if he could chuck that hammer like a boomerang and have it come back to him.

    There’s an idea haha.

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