Bikini Girls on Ice Trailer Online

The trailer for the terribly B movie named Bikini Girls on Ice is not about Hooters waitresses in an ice capades show. Its a pretty standard looking slasher flick and looks to deliver some boobs and some random suspense.

When a bus-load of women’s college soccer players get stranded on their way to a bikini car-wash fundraiser, they decide to set-up shop in front of an abandoned gas station on the edge of town. Little do they know the place is the stalking-grounds for a homicidal maniac mechanic named Moe.

So yeah, Homicidal Moe owns a gas station. I think homocidal tendancies would not make you a candidate for a service industry. Customers piss people off.

But when some innocent and scantilly clad girls come across his place, its game on.

Looks terrible. But there are Bikinis.

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3 thoughts on “Bikini Girls on Ice Trailer Online

    1. Its not that people want to see pretty girls killed in brutal ways.

      Some people like violence and some like to see hot girls. Both are in this film. Its inconsequential that the hot girls are the ones being killed.

      You make it sound like we wish brutal death on hot girls. Not at all the case.

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