Machete Trailer Online

In a very special Cinqo de Mayo message, Ain’t it Cool News delivers us a crazy Machete Trailer.

This looks seriously awesome! Everyone in this looks like they fit perfectly.

And I cant say I have been this encouraged to watch anything with Jessica Alba in it as much as this!

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15 thoughts on “Machete Trailer Online

  1. I don´t know what to say, im mexican, so, a part of me is excited to see the movie, but in the other hand… im feeling a little insulted, and not because all the “Cinco de Mayo Battle” stuff, which BTW is really stupid to celebrate, because is just a little battle, that doesn´t have any relation with our Independence from Spain or the Revolution of 1910, yes, the one with Pancho Villa, anyway, the thing is that the whole “Machete” as a weapon of choice looks really primitive, and, as always, make us look like a bunch of savages wearing “sombreros” and sleeping next to a cactus, and in fact, that doesn´t help to much with our struggle against Arizona Neo-Nazi laws.

    As i said, the movie looks funny, and full of cheesy dialogs and situations, they don´t look for an “Oscar” in anyway, is just that hole issue of showing México as a country of barbarians that doesn´t fit with me.

    Regards From México

    1. I would have to disagree with you on that, I think it makes us look badass. Robert Rodriguez intended Machete to be the Mexican Bronson.

  2. I like the cheesy B-type movie look Rodriguez is going for in this film. You don’t see too much of those anymore. All the women look so hot in this movie. Looks cool!

  3. Not what i expected, but great cast. Especially Michelle Rodriguez.

    An until it said Lindsey Lohan afterward i would’ve never thought that was her in the nun outfit.

  4. I didn’t think it would be so political. It kinda turns me off when an action film gets all preachy. This flick has a great cast though.

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