Splice Trailer Online

A creepy new horror suspense film called Splice is online, and it really looks like something that would get my skin to crawl.

Check out the synopsis and Trailer:

Clive and Elsa are superstars of the genetic engineering world. They specialize in splicing together DNA from different animals to create fantastical new hybrids. The charismatic couple wants to use human DNA in a new hybrid – something that could yield astronomical medical benefits. The pharmaceutical company that funds their research, however, is more interested in exploiting their earlier triumphs for easier, short-term profit. Clive and Elsa secretly conduct their own experiment. The result is Dren: an amazing creature who exhibits an array of unexpected developments, both physical and intellectual. Dren exceeds their wildest dreams… and, ultimately, their most terrifying nightmare.

Looks like some awesome leap-out-at-you suspenseful fun with a message that will spark discussion over human genetic research like stem cell and cloning.

Id like to see this!

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8 thoughts on “Splice Trailer Online

  1. I’m actually surprised I haven’t seen anything about this movie before on this site. I’ve known about Splice for months now. There’s also a featurette with Guillermo del Toro talking about the movie, who’s also producing it and there’s a great clip from the film better showing off the amazing special effects it’s going to have. Aswell as like, 2 other trailers.

    But ya, this one is right up my ally and can’t wait to see it.

  2. Weird, I was watching a documentary last night about how human and animal DNA is being fused into embryos…..specifically that of cows.

    And that totally creeped me out.

    This, however, looks amazing!

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