Friday the 13th Remake Sequel is Dead

With the very weak showing for the remake of Friday the 13th, I am not surprised that this news has come out.

It’s Dead.

There will be no sequel, and it will not live on.

Dark Horizons shares:

Asked about its status, Fuller mentioned on his Twitter account that the project “is dead – not happening” and later told Bloody Disgusting that “right now there is no movement on Friday 13th: Part 2”.

When they announced that they were remaking Friday the 13th, I was skeptical. The original few had some scare factor in it, but at the time there really wasn’t any “slasher” flicks like it, so it got a pass.

But then sequel after sequel proved that Jason was a broken record, always coming back from the dead, killing some people, the virgin survives and we got to see some gore. Boring.

And the remake didn’t offer much more. In fact it only proved how it doesn’t live up to that memory of how scary these movies are. We just dont care about the character.

I won’t loose sleep over this franchise killing itself off.

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14 thoughts on “Friday the 13th Remake Sequel is Dead

  1. Maybe everyone here has a point but then again, all the originals were worse. They were re written rebooted and all of them out done the classics in my point of view. Fresh story, better effects. Like Freddy in fact. The classics suck compared to what the remakes did. At least give them that, can you? The story line and everything for these slasher flicks back then were just horrible. But could it be they’re just beating a dead horse with this? I don’t think so I’m 17 years old not nearly as old as you others. And me personally being so young I would love to see more. Guess it’s not going to happen. Not true. It will someday… Someday. Just probably not soon.

  2. i love when people use bombastic words like inferior in order to sound smarter. (kinda ironic) the remake was poor for a movie and awesome for a slasher movie. they should make it a trilogy and quit.

    1. I like it when pompous commenters use grandiose and florid words like “bombastic” to try and sound superior.

      The only irony is the word “inferior” is about as mainstream and commonplace as you can get.

  3. Yeah, I kinda looked forward to a good remake of one of the (kinda)better slasher flicks of the 80’s (Carpenters Halloween being the most respected)after 20 min in, It pretty much sucked.

    Halloween remake was a tragedy 1 and 2

    Nightmare seems to have potential but so did all these I’ve mentioned.

    Texas Chainsaw remake was O.K. at best. BUT lookin’ back all the originals were O.K. at best as well. Being a teen when they came out was what made it exciting.

    so all the youngings are getting their fix on these classic 80’s characters….so be it.

  4. I enjoyed the first ten or twenty minutes of the remake and then it was nothing but your typical slasher flick that’s been done to death.

    I’m really glad they’re not gonna go through with making all of the Friday the 13th movies.

    I think now we can safely say that Jason is finally dead.

    But at the same time what a ride Jason Voorhees will always have a special place in my heart because I grew up with those movies.

    1. Ah man it is very sad to see Jason go, but if it keeps his “legacy” of 12 movies better than they might as well

      R.I.P. Jason, my favorite slasher villain

  5. I wonder if they’ll ever remake Freddy vs Jason. If they do, I hope they get a better actress than that jackass girl of Destinys Child. What’s her name.

  6. I’m dumbstruck, really. I don’t know what to say about this news.
    Oh wait. I know exactly what to say!

    The Fog remake-BOMB
    The Hitcher remake =BOMB
    Amityville Horror= BOMB
    Prom Night = Don’t go there, but, yeah, BOMB.
    My Bloody Valentine= better than the first and I liked it but it BOMBED
    Hills Have Eyes 1 okay, Hills Have Eyes 2 BOMB
    Texas Chainsaw= okay, nothing special, Chainsaw 2 BOMB
    Halloween…you know that drill.

    I’m crossing my fingers on Elm Street. Really.

    But as for Friday…RIP Jason. Time to retire the machete and the hockey mask.

    1. Lets not forget..
      Black Christmas= Bomb
      Halloween 2 = Bomb
      Last House of the left ”(not terrible but didnt do that great)
      Assault on Precinct 13 = Bomb
      Day of the Dead..(direct to video) Bomb
      The Crazies = Bomb
      Wolfman= Bomb

  7. Good Riddance. This is long over due. Hopefully, this is a sign of things to come. Maybe Hollywood will stop all the pointless(and inferior) horror remakes and focus on new and original ideas. I doubt it, but a guy can dream can’t he?

    1. Unfortunately even if they did try something new and original you can bet that those too will get sequel after pointless sequel until the public finally stops paying to see the same thing.

      Take the first “Saw” for example. The story, while violent and gory, presented an interesting message, which being, how far would you go to save yourself? It was different, it was original, and then it was repeated. After 6 movies (with a 7th and hopefully final movie on the way) it’s no longer about a dying man who conveys his message of self preservation through torture, but instead the victims are thrown into life or death situations while a larger plot unfolds without them.

      But who knows, maybe after a billion movie sequels, Hollywood just assumes people come to the theaters knowing what to expect and, because of which, don’t expect anything else.

  8. The Friday the 13th remake was awesome, and one of the better horror films released in recent years. The kills were solid and innovative. The story was changed just enough to be entertaining.

    By comparison the Texas Chainsaw Massacre remake made me laugh at how bad and cheesy it was, especially after the amazing trailer for it.

    I am kind of glad they aren’t doing a sequel, because I doubt it would live up to the first one.

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