Bruce Willis signs on for Kane and Lynch Adaptation

I do like a good violent action film, and who better to kick some ass than Bruce Willis. I always enjoy him in action roles.

So after the rumour that Willis was in negotiations for Kane in the adaptation of the Video Game Kane and Lynch. Well now we have news that its official and papers are signed.

/Film says:

Producers Adrian Askarieh and Daniel Alter have been discussing their various in-development videogame movies, giving very candid status updates and even the odd bit of surprising news. Perhaps the biggest single headline would be the signing of Bruce Willis for a Kane and Lynch movie.

I am not a big fan of the game, but it should adapt well to a kickass action romp. While I have yet to be blown away by a video game movie (they tend to suck) this could fall into one of those action films that is just getting more attention for associating it with a game. We can hope.

No word yet as to who will play Kane’s sidekick Lynch, but rumours say a British actor is in negotiations.

Any guesses?

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19 thoughts on “Bruce Willis signs on for Kane and Lynch Adaptation

  1. Hugo Weaving is the clear choice. A Well known British actor, that describes Hugo Weaving pretty good. An actor who can hold his own on screen with Bruce Willis, well hey Hugo Weaving is in my opinion better than Bruce, not that Bruce isn’t amazing. Can do a perfect American accent, watch the Matrix, Hugo Weaving as Smith, his accent is impeccable. Lynch was middle aged, hey that’s also Weaving. All signs point to Hugo Weaving not only being perfect for the role, but also actually being in the role. I have seen a lot of suggestions for Jason Statham however Statham plays a badass almost all the time, however Lynch is not a badass. He is a deeply disturbed middle aged man. I can’t see Statham for the role of Lynch.

    One last thing, from the moment I saw Kane I thought “Christ he looks like Bruce Willis!” and when you picture Hugo with the hair, and the beard and that shades he looks just like Lynch.

  2. The game was pretty good but what really impressed me was the story and the actual dialogue wasn’t bad at all. The way they played off each other (kane & lynch) in the game can actually translate really well to the screen. I wonder who they’ll pick for lynch, any ideas?

    with the long hair from revolver and it being an action film, I wouldn’t mind seeing Statham playing off of Willis in this. Anyone else agree?

  3. The game actually had a pretty good story in my opinion, so my objection with this movie isn’t so much on principle as it is with the particular director. At least if they use the script from the game we won’t have to worry about a lot of awful dialogue, though.

  4. Think i read somewhere that mickey rourke was being considered,which be totaly inappropriate.Even though i love rourke’s works.hugo weaving would be perfect

  5. i agree with jimbo, Butler did great in “Law abiding citizen” and i’ve played that game, Lynch doesnt have an accent so who ever does play him they should talk American no accent.

  6. I have played the game and I think Lynch is by far the more interesting character of the two.

    So in my opinion the cast for Lynch will be crucial… maybe Travolta?

  7. I dunno, I HATED Hitman the movie (one of ye worst films of that year in my opinion). I like Willis (he has a lot of not great movies though). The game looked like it barrowed heavily from Mann films (mainly Heat and Collateral) never played it though. My gut tells me it’s gonna suck, but who knows?

  8. Produced by the guy that brought us Hitman to the big screen, and is also currently working on bringing us a Just Cause (the game) movie and Hitman 2…. Not sure if that should concern me, but I also read that Bruce Willis really liked the script. I’m torn.

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