Brian Bendis talks Thor and Avengers

Marvel has certainly been doing things right with their own properties, and I am sure if there was some legal clause they could provoke, they would recind all the rights out there and take back their franchises so it was all under one roof.

Well there is a Marvel Creative Commitee over at the House of M, which consists of Joe Quesada, Dan Buckley, and Kevin Feige. These are the guys you have to pitch to make it happen.

Marvel writer Brian Bendis was part of a meeting to discuss the upcoming Thor and the Avengers films.

Geek Tyrant says:

“That was probably the most fun I’ve had. We had a really good time talking about the characters and how they’ll interact and who the villain is… and what the point of it is. Even as an Avengers writer, I was like whoa. It’s way cool. I can’t even believe it.”

He then goes on to explain that Thor is going to be the biggest surprise from the films that Marvel is currently making.

“Thor is an extravaganza. The artwork is unbelievable… They flew us all here because Kenneth Branagh wanted to tell us his Thor movie and he pitched it live. It was Shakespearean and went on for hours.”

He wasn’t high selling it. He is an actor and he just sold it. I looked to Joe [Quesada] and went ‘Isn’t this fun?’ When he was done, we were like ‘Great! You should do that!’

Sounds like everyone is on board, and I have yet to find a reason not to have faith in Marvel Studios, so this only makes me more excited for the films.

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8 thoughts on “Brian Bendis talks Thor and Avengers

  1. Some kind of real concept would help for this movie though. Something to help us as the regular public seing this wondering how does this Thor fit with Iron Man, Spider Man, and even The Hulk. I hope they try and make it flow with the other more practical characters in the Mavel Universe who have a more scientific background.

  2. Hooray! But I just hope they have some clever way to mix Thor’s magic with Iron Man & Hulk’s science-centric universe. And then there’s the alien fight when Thor first shows up on earth. But if they’ve got that in the bag, then get ready for the best few years in cinema.

    1. Im afraid that your point exactly will be the flaw of this movie.

      There just isnt any way of mixing a god, a techie and Dr Jekyll without having a suspicious audience.

      Instead of trying to hope they match in the same universe, we should just accept its a comic book movie, treat it with the same logic we treated Watchmen

      No matter what they do, there still will be a guy whos a god, next to a rich guy who can build metal suits and a guy who turns green

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