Kickass Trailer Online

Kickass looked like a neat comic book, but I never read it. Now I really want to track it down because this bootlegged version of the trailer has me sold.

You wanted a Rated R comic book movie? Here it is:

In the first bit of the trailer it looks like this is going to be a 90 minute film of a group of teens who read too many comic books and watch too many movies. Until a guy ends up with a pistol in his mouth and gets a 9mm piercing in his cheek. It just gets more graphic after that!

This is truly kickass!


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33 thoughts on “Kickass Trailer Online

    1. Dude but really, Im seriously interested in reading the novel or comic book

      Im going to go to barns and nobles to see if they have it there, in my neighborhood they dont really have comic book stores around, just fucking malls, bookstores and movie theaters

    2. the comic series isnt even finished yet, which is interesting considering a movie is in production…but you should def check it out

    3. They didnt fucking have it!

      I am seriously looking forward to this more then Ironman 2 or Thor. I know it sounds weird, but this trailer in my opinion was fantastic. Ive never been so sold before from a couple of bootlegged freaking videos. Especially the one where she kills those guys.

      Wait, its not done? is the movie done? Wtf?

      Okay, i dont know what to do Barnes and Nobles was my 1st and last plan lol.
      Ill look for it online…uuuuggghh

    4. DAMN! Awesome clips man, thanks for posting that link. Man I can’t wait for this movie.

      About the comic book not being done yet, but they’re still making this movie. Reminds me of the original Hellsing anime series that was made before the manga comic book was finished. They just took what little they had of the finished comic and filled in the rest with they’re own story. Which it actually turned out pretty damn good in my opinion. Even though they’ve gone back now and did a whole other anime series that is based on all of the manga, since it finally got finished.

      I’m sure though for the KICK-ASS movie they’ve got Mark Miller on hand or on speed dial to fill in the story for them, since they can’t go to the comics. Atleast I hope that’s how they’re doing it.

    5. Kaneda
      No problem broh

      And I just read the script, it was fucking amazing.

      Mindy AKA Hit Girl is the most beast character ever created. No joke. The little girl with purple hair. HOLY FUCK she is amazingly great.

      And, why is Nick Cage playing Damon aka Big Daddy? Thats like the worst casting call ever made!

      I posted a review about the script…its on my displayname link doo hickey

      And the movie has an ending, so whether its justice to the unfinished comic books or not- its a pretty good one.

      When i have a daughter ill train her the way Damon (nick cage) trained Mindy xD lol

  1. Awesome stuff, can’t wait.

    I remember hearing about them making a movie out of this comic a little while back, glad to see they’re so far along on it.

    Love the look and feel, very different. Very happy someone saw the potential in making this thing.

    1. I think that’s the idea. It’s not suppose to be Batman or Iron Man. These are like every day peeps who just up and decide to become super heroes one day. So they aren’t suppose to look like they just have endless amounts of money to spend on high priced suits and gear. They find what they can and use it to the best they can.

      Plus it’s a comedy/action. Them looking like a someone from Comic-con beating up bad guys is also part of the look and feel I think they were going for.

  2. No…must…resist…ah fuck it: IT KICKED ASS! sorry but it really did.

    Finaly an adaptation with freaking balls.
    WANTED was ok, except for the stupid rat thing at the end, but nowhwere near the comics except for the origin of Wesley.

    1. The graphic novel was quite unbelievable as well. Sure they may have been nothing alike, but griping that the movie is unbelievable while the source material is just as, if not more, unbelievable is a moot point.

  3. Wow, I remember HEARING that they were going to make a movie based on the comics, but I didn’t think it was this far along. Very cool. Not too enthusiastic about Nicholas Cage being cast as Big Daddy (if he is said character), but Hit Girl looks promising.

    1. I know, Mark Millar is great at what he writes and Wanted was an excellent book. So why did Hollywood decide to blow their load all over the live action movie? It was decent action and I think Wesley was potrayed rather well, its about the only thing that they stuck with the book. But the whole I can curve bullets thing?

    2. true about wesley and the stupid curve bullets, but they honestly couldnt do the super villians thing on the big screen. it wouldve been really cool, but the studios wouldnt go for that

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