Full Astroboy Trailer Online

Astroboy is a slice of nostalgia for me as I used to watch the show as a kid (never could figure out the “I said something wrong in my report” quiz at the end) and I am a big fan of Imagi Studio after seeing TMNT brought back to the big screen in animation.

Now a full length trailer is online. G’head. You watch it.

That looks about 99.9% amazing and that tiny fraction of cringe that happened when he says “I have machine guns? In my butt?”

What the hell.

Mind you they did the same thing with the TMNT trailer showing that awesome rooftop jumping and ninja moves before tossing in a little bit of kiddie sillyness when one of them falls into a dumpster.

And TMNT rocked. I can only hope the same is said about Astroboy!

I found this over at ThinkHero while watching Roth geek out over True Blood.

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12 thoughts on “Full Astroboy Trailer Online

  1. Well, I was hoping for something a little bit more like the original cartoon. and was super hyped for this movie. but i looks like the just disneyized it to hell. Astro Boy is supposed to be funny because of the cheesyness not because it was a comedy. This trailer just turned me from a theater see to a rental.

  2. The kids in the test audience my daughter and I were apart of loved the line about machine guns in his butt, but it’s probably one of the only real cheesy lines in the movie.

    Don’t get use to Cora or any of the other kids because they are not a big subplot. The movie appeals to kids and didn’t totally annoy parents. We sat in the focus group after and I wanted to smack some of the parents who felt some scenes were too voilent or too dark…what?? Good grief, no wonder there is so much stupid generic kids stuff out there. I hope they listened to the kids who loved those parts of the movie.

    There are a pair of really stupid robots in the movie who had a way big part, I’m hoping they trimmed them down because the movie just came to a screeching halt every time they showed up for their bad Monty Python-esque bits.

  3. Rodney, was it the concept of the machine gun inside the butt is what bother you or was it the dialogue? Just so you know, Astro Boy always has this ability in the original Japanese comics and TV series. I thought the machine gun butt line was funny. The way it was presented in surprise, jokingly manner in this movie works for me and mirrors my own reaction. A straight-face approach would probably not work for the mainstream audience, even though that was how it is for Japanese audience. Its a totally different culture between west and east.

    1. It was the hokey way he said it. Like they were digging for low brow fart humour. The kids will think its hiliarious, but it kind of took something away from it all for me.

      But there was plenty of awesome to counterbalance it so its just a small groaning moment that I will quickly get over.

    1. I don’t think there is really any problem with that, it’s more the fact that there is a line in the movie pointing out “I have machine guns? In my butt?” They could made the line a little less, I don’t know, stupid sounding? Sure they could have gone worse, but something more a long the lines of “Huh, didn’t know I could do that!” or something would have been a little easier on the ears.

    1. It looks OKAY. It appears that they’re not following the real story at all. Which sucks, because the original was just EPIC storytelling. Could’ve been so cool.

      Aw, well. Maybe in the sequel.

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