14 Seconds of the New Moon Trailer Online

The Twihards will get to see the trailer for Twilight Saga’s New Moon this coming weekend in front of Bandslam (they need something to lure people to buy a ticket I guess) but just because we now how rabid the fanbase is, they are teasing you with a teaser of the trailer.

Yup, you Twilight fans get a whole 14 seconds of Team Jacob promo to peek at!

I am more of a Team Alice kinda guy myself. But then I am not a squealing teenage girl. I still like the books and look forward to the film.


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19 thoughts on “14 Seconds of the New Moon Trailer Online

    1. I’m not a fan, at all.. but each to their own.

      But at the same time..

      You say people are unjustified for saying they hate it having not read the entire series, now you’re saying people are unjustified for hating it even if they read the entire series (and still didn’t like it). So in your eyes, nobody is allowed to hate it at all?

    2. I never said you had to read the whole series to hate it. If you read one of them and decided you were not into it, thats fine.

      But why would you endure four books of a series you say you hate?

      Its the people who have never read any of it at all, or never seen the movie and rant about how dumb it is. Those are the people I take issues with.

      I never said you were not allowed to dislike something. Just have a reason other than “all the cool kids hate it so I do too”

  1. I’ll gladly wait for the whole trailer to pop up online or show up in front of another movie. Bandslam looks absolutely horrible, even my kiddo thinks so, not to mention we’re simply not fans of Vanessa Hudgens.

    1. I usually like coming of age stories, but this one looks lame and the lip syncing is pretty bad in the trailers.

      Oh and this 14 second teaser of the new trailer..LoL..wow…not terribly enticing, but it was good for a laugh. Then again as my daughter pointed out it’s more about Jake having his shirt off that is the attraction more than anything else and to that I’ll concede, but he’s 17yr old…so for me, it is wrong and creepy to drool over the boy.

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