Early Reviews of Transformers Revenge of the Fallen Online

With this week forever known among geeks as “Foreplay ’09” we are starting to get our first online reviews of Transformers Revenge of the Fallen.

WorstPreviews shares:

IGN UK: Epic, spectacular but unfortunately far, far too long; the film proves that when it comes to Michael Bay blockbuster movies, you can have too much of a good thing.

TotalFilm: Fallen so frequently approaches the first pic’s all-out awesomeness, and even occasionally surpasses it – notably in an opening blitzkrieg in Shanghai and a forest face-off between Optimus Prime and three Decepticons – that it’s this close to being the perfect summer flick.

Sounds mostly positive with tiny glimpses of negative that are hardly deal breakers.

Kind of like that big rock at the beach you get excited about jumping off of into that cool refreshing river water, but there is still that hint of fear wondering if the water is deep enough. Then someone says “It’s deep enough” and you get that exhilarating rush of confidence as you hurl yourself off.

I had a nagging doubt that Bay wouldn’t live up to his own awesome, but it sounds like he has another winner.

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47 thoughts on “Early Reviews of Transformers Revenge of the Fallen Online

  1. I Just read about roughly how much money bay made for his gig on the first Transformers. Apparently he waived the directorial and executive producer fee in exchange for a chunk of the profit from all the film’s revenue sources. That number hovers around the $70 million dollar neighborhood! Now that’s some serious coin! I can’t even imagine how much he’s coming to raked in with T:ROTF.

    Also Shia got a bump from 500 grand to 5 million. (estimated). Not bad! lol

  2. If you could live with the awful writing and shaky cam of the first movie no reason to fear this movie would be any worse, especially with an extra 50 million in the production budget for FX.

    1. So you’ve seen the movie then Dax? if not, you can’t comment on the completed CGI, cause what is shown in trailers and stuff is hardly ever completed CGI.

    2. Slushie,

      what they show in the commercials and trailers is what you see in the theater. Even bad CGI shown in trailers will be the same in the movie.

      Judging by the trailers, I don’t see much of an improvement. The robots look about the same to me. And most of the scenes are reminiscent of the first movie.

  3. “Kind of like that big rock at the beach you get excited about jumping off of into that cool refreshing river water, but there is still that hint of fear wondering if the water is deep enough. Then someone says “It’s deep enough” and you get that exhilarating rush of confidence as you hurl yourself off.”

    … and then you break your neck.

    1. There is still no guarantee that the guy who says “It’s deep enough” wasn’t a liar, or you land differently making it more dangerous than he did.

      Its all subjective.

      But I was referring to the excitement it builds on top of the existing excitement.

  4. The review that IGN gives is sort of a mixed bag. Rodney, he didn’t really spin to be honest, the reviews so far are somewhat mixed but leaning toward positive, but to suggest that a movie could lose 40 minutes and be better is quite a shocker.

    Bad Boys II, anyone? 2 and a half hours long. lol.

  5. It’s a shame that they don’t put greater effort into the story or characters. The early reviews seem to be indicating that it’s just a string of action sequences like the first one. I’ll still see it though and most likely enjoy it though.

  6. im getting kinda skeptical….granted its gonna be full of great action but the reviews i read state that theres even stupider humor this time around. again, i know this isnt supposed to be a serious thriller, but the humor in the 1st made be groan more than laugh (frenzy, bumblepiss, and jazz “sup bitches”).

    but now i hear the twins are gonnna be throwing hip hop slang at each other and from what i saw in the wheelie clip, a more annoying version of frenzy.

    i mean come on, i like humor as much as anybody else but do we really need more stupid, not funny, stupid comic relief? if im sounding like a hater im sorry, im a HUGE transformers fan, i enjoyed the 1st for what it was (after multiple viewings) but still not sold on the feel of the movies…but i will be there opening night to see it in imax

  7. Totally stoked to see this mainly for all the awesome action. I am not expecting much in the form of a story though. Who knows, maybe if I set my expectations low I will be pleased. I bought my IMAX ticket today!

  8. Basically it will have awesome explosions and robot action but crap story and crap acting. Still I will watch it because robots are cool in my book.

    1. Matt

      Hey! The Matrix is in it! YES!

      Omg this is going to be so amazing. I cant take it anymore I must see it now.

      And the testicles sound funny lol. But I can predict people complaining about it in the future

    2. I’m already not likin the idea of giving a robot “balls”…..it seems a bit tooo juvenile to me, but I thought the humor was stupid in the first film yet I still love that film.

    3. My friend told me that the stupid American humor shown in Transformers is living proof that the movie “Idiocracy” is a perfectly legit prediction instead of a comedy

      I disagree, i had a good time watching it, its all kinds of awesome, cmon its a Transformers movie lol

  9. Did they say it was too long?


    I want this movie to be 15 hours long, so seeing these people bitch about it being “too long” makes me giddy….especially after hearing it was awesome

    John are you seeing it in IMAX? I dont know if you live close to one but I really want to see mixed reviews from people who saw it in IMAX and those who didnt, my closest IMAX is in Miami and im driving down there…45 minute trip…
    Especially now that im hearing its a little different in IMAX

    AGH! Im so happy! This is going to be SO beast in IMAX! I feel like im 7 years old and its December 23…CANT WAIT!!!

    I also want to hear from these reviews if they leave any surviving Decepticons, as in to leave space for the next movies…or if they hint of a sequel…

    1. Rodney you should watch it in IMAX and John should watch it normally that way we can see both reviews.

      But only do that for this movie since it will be easily the best movie ever made.


    2. Yeah but I wanna see Rodneys review.

      Like in Watchmen it was only John and in T4 I think Rodney reviewd it.

      Itd be cool to see both reviews…Rodney you better review Transformers! Same to John.

      I also request my comment boxes to be black like Johns. (lol jk)

      And that prolly means John lives close to an IMAX theater, and thats pretty lucky, I drive like 45 minutes to see it in IMAX but im sure some people that live in Ohio prolly drive for hours if they wanna see it in IMAX.
      John lives in LA (right?) so its cool there…i live close to Miami…but if you live in some rural place it must suck. Id die to see this in IMAX lolol
      Its one of those movies you gotta see in IMAX

  10. Rodney, nice way to spin the reviews around. IGN gave it 3 stars, and i’m sure there’s going to be more negative reviews coming. You need to read the IGN review though. It’s hardly mostly positive. IGN said it runs out of steam about half way into the movie, and that it becomes tedious and monotonous mid-way through. I’m not going to watch this, because Bay makes movies that are too fucking damn long. And i’m sure there will be plenty of stupid humor and all the stuff with the parents once again.

    1. I didn’t have to spin it. It still is mostly positive. He said it lost steam mid way and had a big finish.

      No one ever said Bay’s films were perfect, but just like the first Transformers this looks like it will thrill.

    2. No, what he was that Bay never tops his first action scene. And, he said the movie stop dead in the middle section. THhen there is a long period of boring crap, setting up for a boring finale.

      How is the mostly positive? Action movies should always end with a bang.

    3. Okay didnt UP get a couple of bad reviews? There were people who gave spoof movies good reviews, we cant tell from now, Watchmen had a 90% a week before it came out, thats were T2 is right now, once people watch it, the reviews will change very much
      And I hate talking good/bad about movies that havent come out yet but…I would feel safe betting my life on this movies success.

    4. How is 3/5 bad, dax? Please explain that one.

      And out of all the reviews I’ve been reading, only ONE of them has been a negative review, giving it a 2/5 or a 4/10, and every single other one has given the movie a passing score.

      And what’s your point? EVERY movie EVER has gotten bad reviews as well as good ones.

    5. 3/5 may not be a bad score, but the review has a lot more negative things to say than good.I don’t get an impression that the reviewer enjoyed his experience.

    6. If it was more negative than positive he would have rated it less than half. Half Negative, and half positive would have been 2.5 out of 5.

      Or to compare it to the TMB scale, he rated it what I would give a 6 out of 10.

      Thats positive.

      You can keep saying it and rationalizing but centuries of mathematics begs to differ.

    7. Dax, the trailers and commercials are often NOT the final finished product. As well, the trailers and commercials are often NOT in HD.

      You keep rationalizing and repeating your same assumptions that a 3/5 is negative and that the non hd cgi is not up to “your standards”. People offer legitimate arguments and discussions and your only response is “no its not”

      If you want to go out of your way to not like this, then just don’t go see it. Simple.

      Stop just contradicting everyone else’s excitement just for the sake of your own negativitiy towards the franchise.

  11. Really the only thing anybody is looking for is watching ginormous robots punch each other in the face. As long as that happens everybody will be happy.

    But if concentrates on starscream’s daddy issues or his & megatron’s relationship issues i’d be sooo pissed.

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