EW’s New Twilight 2 Images

I feel like I need to give this little disclaimer / apology whenever I put up a post regarding the new Twilight movie. I liked the first Twilight. I was surprised that I liked it… but I really did and shockingly find myself really looking forward to the next one. I haven’t read the books… never will… but what can I say? I dig this little Vampire flick.

Anyway, Entertainment Weekly have just put up a few new images from Twilight 2 (New Moon). They’re mostly pretty generic, but I thought I’d like to it anyway.

To see all the new pictures from Twilight 2, you can go here

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19 thoughts on “EW’s New Twilight 2 Images

  1. I think the Twilight film arrived at just the right moment/ The Harry Potter movie series is almost at an end, so fans of the genre will be hungry for another peice of teen fantasy to dig their teeth into. Good call by whomever decided the release date i think.

    1. The movie will finish with Emmet chewing on Rons jugular while Sam rips Hermione open with his paws while drinking the dripping blood from her pancreas.

      And maybe a little cameo of Bella kissing Cedric Diggory

    2. Twilight doesn’t deserve to be mentioned in the same breath as Harry Potter. Let’s be reasonable; if we were to compare two children/young adult fantasy series on the same level, Twilight would be matched up with the equally dull Eragon.

      (Note: Based purely on movies not books)

    3. Eragon?

      Twilight is 100 times bigger then Eragon. Twilight has millions of fans. Eragon had its chance and it failed. How much money did Twilight make in the box ofice? Exactly. Just because you dont like it doesnt mean everyone else doesnt

      Im not saying its better then Harry Potter but Twilights fanbase is UNGODLY….inmense

  2. I have rather like the bits I’ve seen from New Moon so far and look forward to November. I have a feeling it will actually be better than Twilight, not that the bar is terribly high, but New Moon is tricky since it mostly has to do with a broken girl’s heart.

    1. Yeah well- Its a romance. Its supposed to be about a broken girls heart or about some sort of relationship between 2 people

      Some of my friends said “Oh it didnt have enough action”
      “Broh, its a fucking romance”

      But this one will be a romance WITH some badass werewolf morphing so itll be like Twilight…but with some kickass wolves. so yes…. better

  3. so u liked twighlight,…how u feel about T4…..twighight fucking sucked balls…bad special effects, really shitty highschool acting all around….fuck this movie in its anus…rather see rick james slap this bitch for bieng so pastey.

    1. But you are just a Twhater, so we expect this sort of cuss fest from you.

      If you knew anything about it, you would know that the character of Bella is pale skinned and lives in a part of Washington that rarely sees sunlight.

      But that would ruin your well thought out insult.

  4. I love the part that follows this exact picture…probably my favorite part of New Moon

    @ Rodney

    “Im Rick James Bitch!” may be out of style…but “Algoresnuts” is a pretty funny name dude lololol

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