Jackie Earl Haley is Freddy Krueger?

Right on the heels of announcing that Samuel Bayer would direct the Nightmare on Elm Street remake, we get a hint at who could possibly fill the dreamwalking shoes of Freddy Krueger. Unconfirmed rumours seem to point to Jackie Earl Haley.

Latino Review says:

Michael Bay’s Platinum Dunes and New Line have already hired a director for the reboot of “Nightmare on Elm Street,” bringing on Samuel Bayer to direct the reimagining of the Wes Craven classic.

You know who Platinum Dunes is looking at for the role of Freddy Krueger?

According to my guys… JACKIE EARLE HALEY None other than Rorschach himself!

Now I haven’t seen this guy in anything, since the most notable thing he has done hasn’t come out yet (except in semi pro but I dont remember him). So I really don’t have much to say about his ability or if he suits Krueger.

Rorschach is a little unhinged as it is, so if they think this guy is a good fit for him, maybe his ability to display creepy mental instability was what might have got him the gig as Krueger.

Mind you I was never in that camp that insisted Krueger be played by anyone specific. With that much makeup, the look of the character is limited to a similar build. Aside from that as long as the actor is able to simply deliver the lines convincingly, then I would be satisfied.

We never really got that deep into Krueger’s mind. He is a pretty shallow character in every film. His screen presence is only in the surreal dreamscapes in which he chases them down, offers a hokey line and then kills them. He taunts, he threatens, and then eventually he is defeated. Then there will be an inevitable scene that implies he isn’t as defeated as we thought leaving the door open for a sequel.

Some people think that only Robert Englund could ever be Freddy but I disagree. There really wasn’t much to the character than the visage of a striped shirt and a home made knife hand.

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24 thoughts on “Jackie Earl Haley is Freddy Krueger?

  1. and another thing do u honestly think that wen peepl finf out that sumone other then roberty englund is gonna play freddy don t u think its gonna atract less peepl then if he was need i remind u freddy is cunsiderd one of the best super villians since darth vader and id a horror icon and that thanks to one person robert englund need say more thank u

  2. well i dont think iam a castin ageny or nutin but the fact of the mater is i probably no more bout the nighmare series then most of the peepl the are beings casted in this remake there doing

    1. Honestly, you think spelling like you are 9 makes you more of an authority on this franchise?

      Please, if you want to discuss this, you are going to have to type in english… not playground talk.

  3. i respect the credidbility of the actor but i dont understan why they would not cast robert englund who has represented freddy kruger for a whol decaid hes the best to polay freddy i dont see anyone else feeling his shoes

    1. Because Robert Englund is over 60 and furthermore, this is a reboot of the series. Attaching the original cast would confuse the issue. This isn’t an offense against Englund, but this isn’t his franchise anymore.

  4. If it is in fact true that Jackie Earle Haley will be in the role of Freddy Krueger – congratulations to you Jackie. If the role of Freddy is still being cast – check out Jerry Lloyd. You may not know his name yet but check him out. Jerry Lloyd would be an awesome Freddy Krueger. myspace.com/jerrylloyd

  5. the character he played in semi-pro was Duke the hippie who made the half point shot and got the fake check…

    Jackie Moon: “Dukes where you from?”
    Dukes: “Flint Michigan, and I never missed a game!!”
    Jackie Moon: “Dukes is homegrown!!….I think your on a little something that’s homegrown maybe?”
    Duke: “hahaha”
    Jackie Moon: “Hahaha we’re having fun!! Dukes what do you do for a living?”
    Dukes: “Um……..nothing right now”
    Jackie Moon: ” ok…laying low”

    1. He is also 62 years old.

      Not to mention that Englund might be best known as Krueger, but he doesn’t define him.

      Anyone in makeup with the same costume on can mimic the characteristics. There really wasn’t much to him.

  6. The Watchman might be what he will be known for, but he’s best known for The Bad News Bear Movies and his Oscar nominated performance in Little Children. Little Children was a fantastic movie, and wow he was really great in that. He’s certainly an interesting choice for Nightmare on Elm Street.
    I loved the Elm Street movies they really gave me a fright and had a hard time sleeping after seeing them (kept thinking in my mind 1,2 freddy’s coming for you) — so I’m really interested in finding out who is the new Freddy. On his own Robert Englund seemed like a sweet guy (I watched V as a kid) so really you could go in a lot of directions in casting
    But he was great in Little Children so who knows

  7. This may have been a false rumor, but it was a darn good one.

    The original Elm Street film (and the second) didn’t have the Freddy ‘zingers’ and/or the coffin humor, and it degraded the character into high over the top camp – which was commented upon Wes Craven in ‘New Nightmare’.

    I think it’s a great idea to give Freddy his edge back while keeping with his sadistic toying, instead of the one liners the character later became known for. I also hope they toss out the back story of his mother being a nun raped by 1.000 mental maniac patients. Unless Rob Zombie directed- then it’s okay.


    As for who plays Freddy, the actor is under makeip, but should also makeit his own. I hope the scribes on this simply don’t channel Robert Englund’s mannerisms. That would be a mistake.

    Okay folks. When the first ‘Elm Street’ came out, Englund was Willie in the ‘V’ series. Remember how he looked then? That’s about the same age you can cast Freddy…and get away with it.

  8. Since they’re rebooting Friday the 13th and Nightmare on Elm Street I wonder another Freddy VS Jason movie is possible. (my apologies if this has been brought up before)

  9. Rent Little Children tonight and you will see his creepy acting chops then rent the original Bad News Bears with Walter Matthau and you can see his badass acting chops. The guy rules. Then in March we will all watch The Watchman where we will witness his paranoid detective acting chops. again, the guy rules. if he doesn’t end up doing it they better get Billy Bob Thornton or bring Englund back.

  10. hes good at being creepy…he was in some movie with kate winslet, i forgot the name tho….oh, little children…he was very good in that i got faith the guy can do some good work

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