Stallone says He isn’t Done with Rambo

With the triumphant return of Rocky Balboa and John Rambo, years after their prime it was only a matter of time before we saw Stallone in an action role again. And we will see him in The Expendables but soon after that we could see him tying on the red bandana and tearing it up as Rambo again.

ComingSoon says:

Sylvester Stallone, who is preparing to shoot action-adventure The Expendables, told Extra that he’s planning to play John Rambo again.

“Yeah, we are doing another ‘Rambo,’ but the conflict is whether to do it in America or a foreign country,” said Stallone.

Personally, I think the Rambo story doesn’t need another chapter. I don’t mind seeing Stallone returning to his combat roots. Heck, I wouldn’t mind seeing him in a comedy again.

But why bleed Rambo dry?

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14 thoughts on “Stallone says He isn’t Done with Rambo

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  2. He has admitted to using HGH so that’s a given
    but please tell me those tattoos are fake. My
    God, he looks ridiculous. I can’t imagine why
    a grown man of his age would do something so
    child like. I’m hoping they are fake and they
    are just for attention. I do think he needs to
    grow up and, in my opinion, he should not do
    another Rambo.

  3. Rambo IV was awesome, lots of people complain that’s it too violent but that’s how it should be, no chat and lots of gore. I’m looking foward to seein’ V,VI,VII,VIII,etc… I hope he never stops doing Rambos and goes on a spree like Saw’s doing. He should do a bunch of movies while he can cuz when the age comes, not even HGH is gonna help ’em.
    When he’s like 80-90 years old he’ll look back and think “oh, I should’ve done more Rambo movies while I had it in me, now I need someone to wipe my own ass…”

  4. For some reason I would like to see Rambo working construction. Like be a road worker or something, and be totally happy and content where his life it. have the movie have no conflict at all. Just a week in the life of Rambo. I realize there is no money to be made with that kind of movie, but its something id like to see.

  5. I’d like for him to do Death Wish as well. Or maybe something else darker and grittier. Rambo was a great way to finish the franchise. He should let it die an honorable death and use his talents for something else. I can’t wait for the expendables though.

  6. I think RAMBO ended the franchise well enough and should be left alone, no need for a sequel. Though if there has to be one then I’m with Grave: FIRST BLOOD style with Rambo in survivalist mode!

  7. If he is doing Rambo I want a return to form from the orginal. Rambo being more of a survivlist then a gun and bow toting bad ass. Also it be nice if he was in China or perhaps Russia’s cold tundra instead of Indonesia.

  8. No, I don’t think Stallone is doing HGH. Human Growth Hormone tends to give very pronounced brow ridges (think cave men). His insane body may very well be natural.

    I would love to see another Rambo movie though, preferably more him VS a lot of other people and less supporting cast.

    1. >> Human Growth Hormone tends to give very pronounced brow ridges (think cave men)

      Only in massive doses for years at a time. You are thinking of Acromegaly and one would need to take 10 IUs a day or more for a long long time. Typical fat loss and life extension doses are 2 IUs or less.

      No Stallone is not “natural”. Of course he takes HGH and testosterone – It’s nothing to be embarrased about. He is 62 and his body produces much less natural testosterone and HGH than when he was younger. Hormone output decreases with age. Replacement therapy for people has been going on for decades and is one the way that people (including movie stars) can maintain muscle mass and reduce fat levels.

      Low testosterone levels are also linked to heart disease, depression, lethargy, impotence, and even prostate cancer. Every man over 40 should have the doctor check their free testosterone leevels when they have a blood panel done to ensure that their own levels don’t drop too steeply.

  9. Wow! I love what the Human Growth Hormaone has done to you. Hmm… Now we are giving millions of dollars to drug users. And don’t tell me that it is natural.

    1. just to let everyone know this picture has been around for quite some time. someone superimposed the tats. if you look at his face in this pic and compare it with his latest interviews you can tell this is not recent

  10. i’m a rambo fan although the last one didn’t really appeal to me… i know rambo = violence/death and all the blood and guts but the last one was way over the top… it was ultra-violent. i guess i’m just getting old. but i’m up for another movie, but i only want to see stallone do action… period.

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