Joaquin Phoenix to Return to the Big Screen?

When Joaquin Phoenix quit acting I was disappointed. I enjoyed pretty much everything he has been in, so it was upsetting that he would be stepping away from the camera. I wonder what he has been up to lately?

Well it looks like we will have a chance to see what he has been doing. His career change is going to be the subject of Casey Affleck’s personal project.

Screen Rant offers up:

After Phoenix announced his retirement from acting people assumed it might have been a joke. Then he took the stage in Las Vegas and performed his act in front of a crowd. It was a stumbling, bumbling lackluster performance to say the least. And once it was over Phoenix fell off the sage and into the crowd.

Now it appears his apparent decent into madness might actually be a huge hoax or as I like to look at it, true method acting. Especially now that we know Joaquin’s brother-in-law, actor/filmmaker Casey Affleck is making a film documenting Phoenix’s career change.

Phoenix appears to be having a breakdown of Britney proportions but with only himself to embarass he isn’t getting a lot of attention for it. Check out that picture above. Clearly he wrote this on his fists without thinking about how that was going to work out. Positively brilliant.

I really hope that he sees this as a learning experience and actually focuses on succeeding at something other than fist decorating (that still needs work) but hopefully he will get back to acting.

Do anything you want Joaquin, just do it right.

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13 thoughts on “Joaquin Phoenix to Return to the Big Screen?

  1. THIS IS SO LAME….lets b honest when actors say there working on a special art project like this it just says to me “hey im a pee hole and all i care about is my self absorbant retarded art”….go save a war veteran or something u shit head

  2. he’s actually joking about the whole thing. This is definitely not a britney breakdown. It’s all for that movie and I think it’s hilarious. At first I was like “no! why?!? rap artist? dear god?” and then when I realized his brother was filming him, its not a documentary it sounds more like a mockumentary a la Spinal Tap. I think this is brilliant and find it to be hilarious and makes me like him more as an actor. Touche Phoenix, touche!

  3. I cant wait for them to finish this film, it shall be weird, im sad the “hoax” portion is becoming well known. its like everyone knowing who borat is before he can even make a joke.

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