Movie Images! Prince of Persia, Max Payne and Day the Earth Stood Still

Cinematical gave us a first look at Jake Gyllenhaal in the Prince of Persia

That boy sure is buff. And looking pretty close to the part (maybe too much beef compared to the character in the game)

As well, we get to peek at Max Payne images and The Day the Earth Stood Still.

Payne looks great. That image captures the whole deal with the character from the game.

A handful of others from each of these films over at Cinematical’s image galleries!

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22 thoughts on “Movie Images! Prince of Persia, Max Payne and Day the Earth Stood Still

  1. Saying your not interested in a videogame because the stories are flat and uninteresting is a very big assumption on all games. I’m guessing you never play GOOD games then. ICO, Shadow of Colossus. Metal Gear is probably the most known but it’s story gets pretty silly at times (on purpose).

    Ahhh I love ignorance! It’s not the source material’s fault. It’s the people trying to translate it to film and then changing everything that made the game so great.

    Silent Hill is the only movie that has retained much of how the game feels and looks and tried to stay with the story. But Silent Hill is such a confusing game that is purposely left very ambiguous so the player can make their own assertions. So I wasn’t surprised at all when I read the reviews saying “I have no idea what this movie was about.”

  2. Its truly a sad day when people think 28 is “too old”

    Exactly how old did you think the character in the game was?? I would give him mid 20s from the looks of him. He sure isn’t a child or a teen.

    But I also agree that its been too long to have to wait to see Gemma Arterton in middle eastern garb. Man that girl is sexy.

  3. I’m not interested in any video game movie. The story lines seem flat and superficial.

    However, the Day the Earth Stood Still looks very interesting to me. And I like Keanu Reeves anyway!

  4. We all hope that the next video game movie that comes out will break the mold. It used to be that all super hero movies were just fluff and eyecandy and then someone upped that game too.

    We can always hope.

  5. How do I hate Jake Gyllenhaal as PoP? Let me count the ways…

    They should’ve gotten Oded Fehr if only for looks alone. And for a minute I thought that chick with Keanu was Mona Sax.

  6. Jake looks like he’s auditioning for the lead role in Thor as opposed to being the lead in The Prince Of Persia

    seriously though folks, what the hell is your problem? Just gimmie a still shot of his co-star Gemma Arterton and I’ll be just fine.

  7. Mozzerino, no you’re not alone. Jake looks ridiculous. He may have put on some pounds but he still looks like a nerdy high school kid with a fake beard. Half of my floor looked tougher than that freshman year of college.

    I’ll give Payne the benefit of the doubt, but video game adaptions (as often posted here) are usually disappointments.

    I’m really looking forward to The Day the Earth Stood Still. I like the mysterious tone of the trailers. I hope they’ve done the original justice while still adding some good spin to make it fresh.

  8. i gotta agree with mozzerino about prince of persia, im still not conviced. Guess we have to wait for at least the trailer.

    Being a max payne fan i find the casting so wrong. Mark (yes, the ending of the departed was badass, even though) Mila kunis (shes a cute chick, but shes no mona sax), ludacris….

  9. Finally! Max Payne comes out in October & I’ve seen NOTHING on this site about it. I’ve not played the games(although I plan to), and I’ve heard they’re very driven by storyline(my cup of soda). Never really got into Prince of Persia, but I think It looks okay. Maybe Jake can finally get a shot at an action-related film. He’s grown a lot since Bubble Boy. The Day The Earth Stood still doesn’t look very interesting. I find Keanu Reeves very dull. The Matrix was pretty much all he had. That’s all, gentlemen, thank you, thank you gentlemen that’s all. Gotta like Jack Palance ;)

  10. Am I the only one who thinks Gyllenhaal looks absolutely ridiculous?
    Sure, he did quite an impressive work-out no doubt about that and looks seriously buffed, but somehow I can only stare at his boyish face and think to myself: “Nah come on Jakey boy, who are you fooling?” It looks like they photoshopped his head onto another persons body.
    Jake Gyllenhaal is just not convincing as a badass, sorry.

    As for Marky Mark as Max Payne, yeah it looks alright I guess, but somehow I just can’t get excited about this movie at all.

  11. How the hell can you say the original “Day the Earth Stood Still” is ‘wack’? The movie is a classic if there ever was one, up there easily with the best in sci-fi.

    It has a much deeper plot than most science fiction films and explores many still relevant issues while being made in a time period where people were contempt with science fiction to simply be a man in a rubber suit jumping out and beating some cheerleader bitch into submission.

  12. the day the earth stood still is wack…so was the original…..just lame concept IMO price of persia is gonna be awesome and max payne might give it a run for its money as bieng the best video game movie yet.

  13. Beefcake Jake: Awesome
    Mark Payne: Awesome

    The Keanu Reeves one not as much. I usually expect sneak peeks to show us something new and exciting, not just two actors casually talking to each other. They need top hats or something.

  14. Err, it’s actually a poster (The Payne one), or at least so I believe.
    The real new picture includes Mona Sax as well and believe me… That girl from That 70’s show doesn’t work at all… To me.
    Check out SHH! or CS!

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