Descent 2: More Descent

John raved about how good the Descent was, and he is actually looking forward to the sequel. I haven’t seen it yet, because I get uncomfortably claustrophobic. But if you wanna get creeped out, I would vote for that movie to do it.

I am a little skeptical because the sequel is being organized by different people. Its own creator didn’t want to go back, and that says something to me.

Cinematical says:

The sequel picks up where the first film left off (that is if you are following the events of the North American release of the original film). The story follows the return of a mute and unbalanced Sarah as she heads back down to the caves with a rescue party to locate the rest of her group. Of course, this being the ricketiest cave on earth, the group is soon trapped and left to deal with the nasties down below.

Now the premise for this movie kinda bothers me. The same character has some noble cause to go rescue her lost friends. But seriously.

She escaped certain death and a traumatic experience, so … lets go back?

If I managed to live through an experience like that it would only be to get other people to go back and get my friends for me.

She goes back and gets stuck… again. You gotta hate yourself after all that.

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19 thoughts on “Descent 2: More Descent

  1. Buy it on DVD in the US. It has the original ending. The US ending is only an extra feature I believe.

    As others of said, it makes no sense for a sequel. As far as we are concerned, the Sarah character never made it out of the cave.

  2. The version I rented was from a Waterford, Calif. video store! I think it was one of the most disturbing flicks of its kind in a while, along with the first Open Water. No to a sequel. No boat trips or speilunking for this boy!

  3. UK peeps are right. The movie’s true ending had her STILL STUCK IN THE CAVE. A cop-out ending was spliced on to the inferior U.S. cut.

    A sequel for this film is an awful idea.

  4. In the Descent I saw (SPOILER)!!!!!

    she was still stuck in the middle of the cave, with the monsters all around her. Unless she can teleport, there would be no way for her to get out without weapons, and equipment. Haji

  5. That movie was terrible…please tell me you all didnt think that thing was good? It wasnt even scary in any way, shape, or form. This movie and The Cave were sorry excuses for movies. The Ruins was better and it sucked too. Now I cant say i am surprised by an sequel though…

  6. @JOJO

    Yeah thats the ambiguity I meant, only I assumed that the escape was the real bit. Whichever it is, I am missing something and its enthusiasm for a sequel.

  7. The premise sounds a lot like:
    Ripley went back to LV-426 after a near death traumatic experience… of course, she brought the marines with her… only to get their butts kicked by the aliens.

  8. SPOILER!!!!

    Am I missing something? I thought her escape was a dream and the movie closed with her clearly stuck in the cave with the monsters closing in?

    Maybe another dream? who knows… first one was solid though.

  9. what!! i live in the uk technically she is still stuck in the caves!!

    this poor and un original. nevermind at least the first 1 will remain a classic.


  10. gordon is right…she stabbed the bitch in the leg….now all they really need is to make a prequal porn movie about the debachury that happened the night before when they were smoking herb and bragging about boob sizes!

  11. i loved this film, it was creepy as hell. i’m all for sequels to good horror films and the idea actually sounds pausible to me because they were in a pitch black, dark cave. why wouldn’t she try to help her best friends if she thought there might be some chance they were still alive? it’s what i would do…

  12. If I escaped from that cave and then had to go back, I would probably bring a lot of firepower, and then i would not be afraid, considering she esca[ed the first time with just mountain climbing gear, and machine gun would whip the shit out of those things. It would almost be fun.

  13. First of all to Rodney…If yo claustrophobic Descent may give you a bit of a closed feeling. More so ifyou were to see it in theaters, ut I saw it in theaters and on DVD at home the feeling was still there just not as intense.

    Secondly, responding to previous posts.
    There is some doubt as to what really happened in the first movie, which is part of the reason is was better than most movies of this type.

  14. Spoiler

    Um…I didnt see that there were any friends left to save, why would she save the one she deliberately stabbed in the leg…or did I miss something?

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