Heath Ledger’s Oscar Hopes

It seems that everyone is talking about Dark Knight. And once again it seems that the badguy has stolen the show. So much so that many movie pundits including our own John Campea are anticipating a posthumous Oscar for the tragically fallen Heath Ledger.

Well not everyone is on his side, but its pretty popular in media to be the only one saying it.

The UK Guardian says:

History, however, is not on his side. James Dean was twice nominated in the wake of his death and yet still finished up as a posthumous loser on the night. More recently, Oliver Reed (for Gladiator) and Ulrich Mühe (The Lives of Others) were both tipped in vain for at least a nomination. In fact, the only actor ever to be awarded a posthumous Oscar was Network’s Peter Finch. Felled by a heart attack during the voting period, he swept to glory on a tidal wave of grief.

Personally I think this is nothing short of a brief history lesson on actors who died after their film and before the Oscar.

In each of those situations, would that person have won if they were still alive? Doubtful. I am sure the lack of a celebrity to hand the little gold statue to was a consideration in determining the winner.

So the track record for posthumous Oscars is honestly irrelevant.

Does he deserve the Oscar (or at least a nomination)? A lot of people think he does. Does the popular opinion on an Oscar contender always mean they will win? Not always.

Even coining the phrase “track record” seems to be inaccurate in this deduction. These are all different contenders in all different situations. The only common thread is that an actor passed away before the ceremony.

So history is not against Ledger’s chances. History has nothing to do with it.

And the spiffy Ledger/Joker without makeup pic is from ScreenRant

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13 thoughts on “Heath Ledger’s Oscar Hopes

  1. Surely,he deserves an Oscar nomination for playing the Joker. In the trailers aired these days you can definitely see his intense role preparation for the part of the psychotic and lunatic character of the menacing Joker coming across so convincingly…and for a moment you will never believe that this performance is (was) from a 28 year old actor!!

  2. I think Rodney is spot on there!

    Also, I think a lot more people will be watching the Oscars if Heath gets a nomination, I know I will!

  3. Anthony, you don’t get it.

    Everyone is talking about his shot at this because of this role IN SPITE of all the things you said.

    And in the past scifi fantasy and comic movies were better technically than they were in quality of acting. This is changing.

    You are using the “history is stacked against him” movite debunked in the article you are commenting on.

  4. If you think Ledger has chance to win an Oscar for playing The Joker, no matter how well done, I think you are nuts. The Academy really does not like to honor these sci-fi/fantasy/comic type movies. Horror films they have no idea what to do with. All these special effects and sound awards are mostly designed to honor some of these films they have no idea about. Batman is just another comic movie to them. And with a dead person in the cast, there is even a greater chance he wont win. The TV Producers hate awarding people who cant show up on the awards night.

  5. Oscars are granted for performances in movies. Ledger performed in a movie.

    Why should he no longer be considered just because of his untimely demise?

    And Obiwan…. that was tasteless.

  6. We havent even hit oscar season yet. There could be 10 better supporting performances to come in the year. I feel like it’s to early to talk about it because his performance could be trumped. just think if Javier would have been nominated for best actor instead of supporting, would he have taken the statue away from DDL? i’m just saying we might get some crazy awesome performances in other movies which might make it so he doesnt even get nominated. I’d hope they wouldnt just nominate a guy because he was dead. sympathy wins are no good. wheres the glory. lets give it to the people who deserve it… but as of now, in the year so far, maybe he is the best candidate.

  7. @Vic I actually google image searched for a ledger joker image. I saw that one without the makeup and figured it was cool.

    I didn’t realize it was from your site, and have now credited you for it. Thanks!

  8. lets wait til the year’s over to start talking about who deserves an oscar. they always do the same thing each year, and then by the time the awards come around no one remembers that “first guy”

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