33 thoughts on “Disaster Movie Poster

  1. I love these Kind of movies like “Scary Movie”,”Date Movie”,”Meet the Spartans”,and Epic Movie They all have been Great but I have to admit Superhero movie was okay but not all that funny.I think this movie will be good but i got 2 things that i dont really like:1.They did some of them Before they came out!! 2.and also why call it “Disaster Movie”??Some movies in there were good like Juno,Hellboy,and Batman. But I am still gonna see it cause it probably will be funny!! lol

  2. I would not put Scary Movie 1 above 3 and 4. Those at least had the guys from Airplane!/Naked Gun behind them…and I freaking loved them both.

    Epic/Date/Disaster/Meet the Spartans on the other hand, are all giant piles of shit.

  3. For God’s sake, how much more of this must we deal with? These are sad times, my friend, but fortunately the Razzies may make it not so bad after it’s done in theaters.

  4. I just saw the trailer for this movie… it looks worse than the crappy carpet stain that I thought it would be. It looks like they made this movie in about a week, based on a bunch of trailers (including Zohan). It’s title actually fits the movie. It’s one disaster of a movie.

    I have to give the marketing guys a hand for the release date, though. It’s August 29th, after all the kids have seen the movies.

  5. What’s funny about it is that apparently they do parodies of movies now that haven’t even been seen by the makers yet.

    How could they come up with a parody for KUNG FU PANDA, THE INCREDIBLE HULK or HANCOCK when they haven’t seen those films by the time they were writing/ shooting this shit?
    So it’s more a parody of a trailer or a poster than it is for the actual film I guess.

  6. Hey guys lest make a movie that makes fun of a bunch of other movies and market it to teens and call it a comedy. As you can tell I am not much of a fan of spoof movies. I liked Airplane but that was old school and classic. Now days it seems like they literally say “Hey guys lest make a movie that makes fun of a bunch of other movies and market it to teens and call it a comedy.” Seeing this poster turns me off to the film and film genre even more, it’s the same poster as the last spoof movie. Not HAPPY, Not Pleased.

  7. Hit list:
    1) Jason Friedberg
    2) Aaron Seltzer

    Think about it, how much is a professional hit? 10k maybe? I’d chip in if anyones interested.

  8. Ugh. Disaster Movie is right. Where is the rhyme and reason to spoofng all these movies in one film? Disaster is prophetic. I wish people would stop paying for this shit.

  9. Even though it hasn’t been released yet, is it ok to put this on the worst of the year list since it’s spoofing movies that haven’t even come out yet?

  10. booooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

    fuck this movie

  11. Yes Doug. Why do you post this?
    Why? For the love of Odin why?
    The best tactic for this shit is simply to ignore it. Ignore it and it will go away.

  12. i thikn they should call it “annoying as fuck movie”. As pointed out already, its called Disaster Movie but is spoofing movies like Ironman, Hellboy, Hulk, Alvin and the Chipmuncks, Hancock, and Juno. FUCKING WOW!!!!!

  13. This movie should have been called Rip-off-of-the-most-popular-moves-this-year movie, but i think STEVE L. is right, the title refer to the movie and boxoffice

  14. Here’s what I ask you guys at the Movie Blog to do…just a simple request, please get together for a short podcast and let me hear you guys RANT it out about how shit these films are because its the only thing I like thats in relation to these donkey-raping-shit-eating-disgustingly-filmed-cashing-in-on-pop-culture-sacks-of-shite they really are.

    Seriously…who the hell is watching these films? And I use the term film loosely.

  15. Look at this poster!!!!

    They are now making fun of movies that were not even out when they started filming!!!!!!!!!!!!!! How can you make a movie of the trailers!!!!

  16. Right….. This needs to STOP. NOW! I almost feel like starting a petition to prevent this movie from making a single dime. I’d love to see a 2 million opening weekend tally.

  17. So they call it “Disaster Movie” but are spoofing more movies like Juno, Enchanted, and Alvin and the Chipmunks? Yea, makes sense…at least the title reflects the movie and it’s box office outcome.

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