W Teaser Poster

We have a new teaser poster for W that you may feel free to peep at. Thanks to our friends at cinematical for the hookup:


I am not fond of this poster. I am not certain that regurgitating speech gaffes that we have heard 1000 times on the news is going to get anyone excited for this film. If Stone is going to make an Anti-Bush film, I would be fine with it. If however, he is trying to make an “objective film” this poster certainly sends the wrong message.

….that being said – these quotes are all gold. My favorite is the one about shaking hands with the handless man.

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23 thoughts on “W Teaser Poster

  1. GOODBAR1979 you definitely are one of the mindless zombies influenced by the media… I’d like to see you make flawless speeches… lol.. But at the same time I respect your opinion and don’t hold it against you. :)

  2. You nailed it, Doug. Anyone halfway interested in seeing this film has read/heard these quotes so many times they inspire a gag reflex. Anyone unfamiliar with these quotes ain’t interested in the movie.

    Bad ad.


    I think you mean “keel over” and not “kill over”. ;)

    I am looking forward to this movie, not so much for the reason that it’s going to try and show history as unbiased as a movie can (bias? Never) but to see some of the behind the scenes antics that never made it to television screens. Now THAT will be some fun shit, I think!

  4. Yeah this basically shoots holes in the idea that this film was going to be objective. Then again presenting accurate history was not Stone’s strong point. I do hate to burst the bubble on this but if I remember correctly I think the quote about shaking hands with the guy who got his hand chopped off was about a guy who got a prosthetic arm as a goodwill effort to Iraqis hence why he shook his hand. Still though it does sound funny. Regardless politicians make stupid comments all the time. Even a great speaker like Obama has gaffes. If you found me a politician who did not make them I’d kill over from a heart attack.

  5. You or I may not like all of the policies of the current, soon to be out of office President, but there *is* one thing that irritates the heck out of me. It is true that he’s not the best public speaker. But it is also true that he is not an idiot savant, and I do get tired of the Bush bashing. Especially now-because really, what purpose does it serve?

  6. I’m about as anti-Bush as they come, and my opinion is it would be impossible to present a true bio-pic without including his gaffes for they are the substance of the man. Just think of how many there have been and those are only his lesser evils.

    It would be impossible to make a pro-Bush movie and present the truth. Impossible.

  7. I wonder, will people actually pay to have something that’s prominently featured on TV and Internet for all to see ad nauseam over and over and over.

    But in the mind of an anti-Bush fellow, this is never too much.

    In a time where anti-Bush, anti-war movies are crashing and burning in the box office, even on TV, the HBO drama Recount was largely rejected by many viewers, this seem that the Grim Reaper is in the shadows eyeing Oliver Stone’s movie carrer…

  8. yes Rick its the medias fault that people think bush is an “ass-clown”

    not the hundreds of fuck-ups that the US govenement made under his watch. not the fact that the man can barely speak english and certinley not the fact that the Iraq war was started to get his buddy’s rich and…well..u get the point

    totally looking forward to this movie!

  9. Okay, 1) I voted for him, and 2) working for the government I realize that the media are the ones that are ass clowns which has been evident once again in their support of the terrorist lover Obama over Hilary recently, and 3) Even though he was fallible in some aspects as a president and I still thought he was misunderstood I Don’t care for a movie about him whether it is anti-bush or pro-bush…

  10. i like it….im from california and i didnt vote for this ass clown….hahaha

    least we dont speak 2 languages in the same country though…and hey no canadian teams in the finals of hockey wtf i blame bush too.

  11. I agree that anti Bush sentiment is on the rise…with bloggers, books being written and video of all his gaffes being available.

    But I am intrigued by Stones Portrayal of him. I guess I am fascinated by this man that was elected President…that this country would elect a man so fallible ( I should say stupid actually). Elect him twice that is! I am still baffled by that and wonder if the film will address this issue in the film.

    But I do agree with Doug…if this film is supposed to be objective this poster is kind of off the mark.

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