Motley Crue Looking For New Partners To Make The Dirt

Motley Crue Crue Fest

It looks like MTV has dropped the ball and Motley is looking for others to bring their tell all autobiography The Dirt to the silver screen. We get the following scoop from the glamour caves of Yahoo:

The glam-metal veterans first announced in 2006 they had reached a deal with MTV Films/Paramount to start producing a biopic based on their best-selling autobiography “The Dirt,” which was co-written with Neil Strauss. But the band is now looking for new partners, bassist/lyricist Nikki Sixx told Reuters. “We’re trying to get them (MTV) out of the way to make this movie that should have been made a long time ago,” he said.

“MTV has become bogged down in its own way. It’s a channel that used to be hip and has now actually become unhip. We signed with them because we believed they were right, but they haven’t come to the table,” he said. “We need to find the right partner. They are not the right partner.”

I am seeing Motley Crue live on sunday at the Heavy MTL festival. It is the largest outdoor metal fest in Canada (to date) and I am quite excited to see them along with Iron Maiden, Overkill, Hammerfall and a host of others.

I read the dirt in 3 days. I devoured that book like I was a wolf, and it was made of meat. After reading that collection of confessions, I am surprised these men are still alive today. Death either hates them or respects them – either way they owe the reaper. Even if you are not a fan of Motley Crue, this book is a must read. You will be open mouthed as you read the exploits of some of the filthiest men to ever walk the earth.

I thought a film version of the book was an amazing idea and I am still quite excited to see it (when and if it happens.) My favorite part of the abve article is when Nikki Sixx puts a pox on MTV and declares them “unhip.”

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6 thoughts on “Motley Crue Looking For New Partners To Make The Dirt

  1. I do hope “The Dirt” movie gets made. Very interesting book. I love the Crue been my favorite since i was a kid. Too read a book that just put all members lives out there and the stuff that they did made me even love them more ( i know there were somethings in there that are just jaw dropping) But that is what makes them The Best. Good luck and keep rockin.

  2. Interesting… first time hearing about a MC movie. I’m not really into checking on future projects like this site offers… pretty cool stuff. I’ve learned in life not to look forward to big money projects because they usually get your hopes up and then never happen.

    I’d love to see the book become a movie but I doubt it will be any good. I grew up in L.A. and with the Crew… I know what it was like on the strip during their rise. I don’t want censored material… I’m an adult!! If they can get a movie made that is authentic I’ll pay… otherwise… I’ll wait for the DirecTV version. Anyone see that Def Leopard movie? Cool to see some background but you know we never really saw the “truth” This is my fear about a Crew movie… and just think, Def Leopard were probably a lot less everything in comparison to Motley Crew!

    Best of luck… I hope the movie gets made.

  3. Hope you have a great time at the festival Doug. By the way, incase you see this before the e-mail I sent, Motley Crew will be on CNN’s Larry King Live tonight, Friday june 20th, at 9pm. They are taking e-mail and video questions I believe. Here’s you chance to get in their faces and find out what you always wanted to know.

    Steven Carroll

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