Harrison Ford Elected to Archaeological Institute Board

The Archaeoligical Institute of America has chosen to recognize Harrison Ford’s contribution to their craft by electing him to their Board of Directors.

Yahoo says:

Harrison Ford, who portrays the adventure-seeking Indiana Jones, has been elected to the Boston-based organization’s board of directors. The group promotes archaeological excavation, research, education and preservation worldwide.AIA President Brian Rose says Ford’s Indiana Jones character has played a major part in stimulating interest in archaeological exploration.

Without pulp heroes like Dr Jones, archaeology may not have been glamorized in films at all. Maybe they are hoping with Indiana Jones on their board that more of them members will be sent to find mysterious wonders of a forgotten era. And melt Nazis.

Despite the respect and honour given I am often surprised by this as I wonder just what Harrison Ford brings to the table. Literally. What qualifications does he have that would make him a valid member of an Archaeological Institution? Perhaps like an honorary degree, this position holds little value and is more about the respect to the character and the actor that brought him to life.

Do you think this is a waste of time for these organizations, or a respected tradition to pay due tribute.

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3 thoughts on “Harrison Ford Elected to Archaeological Institute Board

  1. You seem to also forget that Ford also is one of the board of directors of Conservation International, done lots of community work, has flown his copters on varied search and rescues and is He is the current Chairman of the Experimental Aircraft Association’s Young Eagle- I mean, that may not seem like it matters much in regards to the AIA, but from your response, Rodney, it sounds like “Harrison Ford is *only* an actor, he only played a character’.

    Ever since playing the character of Indy Jones, Ford has supported this organization for quite some time. I also don’t think “General Trustee” is “of little value”.

    I’m sorry, dude. You’re just way off the mark here.

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