Funniest Nude Scenes

nude-funny.jpgWhy is it that nudity is so damn funny sometimes? Take “Smart People” for example. There’s a scene in the film where Dennis Quaid walks into Thomas Haden Church’s room to wake him up and discovers Church asleep face down with his bare ass sticking out from the blankets. That’s it… no joke… no one liner… just a bare ass… and the audience howled.

Well, our friends over at Cinematical put together their list of movies with the most hilarious nude scenes in them. Their list included:

1) Borat (In my opinon, one of the funniest moments in film of all time)
2) Sideways
3) The Simpsons Movie
4) Scary Movie
5) Monty Python’s Life of Brian
6) Braveheart
7) Pink Flamingos
(if don’t don’t know which scenes they’re talking about specifically, you should go read the article here)

So why can the simple act of nudity make for hilarity? More importantly… aside from the list above, what films would you include on that list of funniest nude scenes?

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8 thoughts on “Funniest Nude Scenes

  1. I want to find out if anyone knows of a movie (or movies) that feature young guys seeking their first sexual experience and accidentally end up with an old lady… Anyone heard of this?

  2. I cant understand men anymore. Why do they pay to see another man’s genitals when they should be screaming at the top of their lungs, “where are all of the female genitals?”

  3. walk hard: the hotel scene..all the naked people…and that one guy…

    i’m not sure if this would count but.. austin powers with elizabeth hurley
    synchronized to cover up body parts at just the right time… i thought that was pretty funny.

  4. if i had to choose a monty python moment, it would be in the meaning of life where the legion of naked girls on rollerskates chase the man off the cliff.

  5. I have to say Porky’s – In The Shower, particularly when Balbricker becomes obsessed with finding “The One That Got Away”.

    There is also “See You Next Wednesday” playing in the theatre during “American Werewolf in London” which I always think is hilarious.

    Will Ferrell streaking in “Old School” had to be there too.

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