New ‘Possession’ Poster! was able to get their hands on the one sheet poster for the bound to suck Japanese horror remake, ‘Possession’ starring…you guessed it, Sarah Michelle Gellar. The film is about a woman’s husband and brother in law who get in a freak car accident. The brother in law wakes up thinking he’s his brother. Does this sound interesting to you? Pfft.

Here’s the poster:

I wish someone would tell Sarah Michelle Gellar that she is capable of doing other things besides mediocre Japanese horror remakes. She was great in ‘Cruel Intentions’ and ‘Harvard Man,’ but it’s movie choices like these that make me wonder why she quit Buffy in the first place.

The poster doesn’t even remotely interest me either. Although,I’m actually surprised there isn’t a close up of an eye in this one. What are your thoughts on this poster and movie? Do you think Sarah Michelle Gellar needs to make better film choices for her filmography?

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11 thoughts on “New ‘Possession’ Poster!

  1. I hate the worthless title of the movie! :( Braveheart is an example of how you should name a movie to make the title original! I do love the poster for this movie because he has two shadows. It’s very creative! :D

  2. Serena the tone of your recent post have been really entertaining, keep up the good work. Anyway….

    …It should be obviuos to masses by now that Sarah is one of those people in Hollywood who takes roles just to collect paychecks.

    Am I suppose to know who Lee Pace is? Is he the next best thing or something?

  3. Good God, Sarah! I love you, but seriously;

    The Grudge- sucked
    The Grudge 2- horrible
    The Return- mediocre

    and now this!

    Stick to stuff like Cruel Intentions my God! You were great in Buffy. Now, your digging yourself a hole in your career farther and farther.

    Hopefully, The Air I Breathe will blow people out of the water.

  4. My god Buffy, stop torturing us with that mediocre japanese horror-remake crap! We can’t take it anymore!
    How many more of that shitty flicks can you churn out?

    Seriously, it really is funny how she managed to kill her career that hard when she had all the doors opened for her at the end of BUFFY. John and Doug discussed this in one of the Audio Editions.
    Get a new management Sarah before it’s too late! Ohh…wait, it already is too late. You’ve got only yourself to blame, missy!

  5. HahahahahahahahahahahahahahaHahahahahahahahahahahahahahaHahahahahahahahahahahahahahaHahahahahahahahahahahahahahaHahahahahahahahahahahahahahaHahahahahahahahahahahahahahaHahahahahahahahahahahahahahaHahahahahahahahahahahahahahaHahahahahahahahahahahahahahaHahahahahahahahahahahahahahaHahahahahahahahahahahahahahaHahahahahahahahahahahahahahaHahahahahahahahahahahahahahaHahahahahahahahahahahahahahaHahahahahahahahahahahahahahaHahahahahahahahahahahahahahaHahahahahahahahahahahahahahaHahahahahahahahahahahahahahaHahahahahahahahahahahahahahaHahahahahahahahahahahahahahaHahahahahahahahahahahahahahaHahahahahahahahahahahahahaha….oh good times.

  6. I dont think its anything to do with culture at all i just think people dont like subtitle (prob about 70% of movie going public) thus if the orginal had a western release it would make little to no money…

    I havent seen this orginal but i had seen the orginals for most the others.. and to be fair the only orginal that i thought was great was “Eye” thought the orginal grudges were ok… and the remakes were ok for a western audience…

    I dont agree with alot of peeps saying that the orginal were brillant etc etc… far from it…

  7. Here’s the thing I don’t get that people don’t seem to understand. Foreign films work because of the culture they were made in. My self being a big fan of the Japanese culture I can understand many of the references made these types of movies that I feel would be lost with many American viewers. Remakes of Japanese horror movies now has turned into us knowing that the movie is going to be bad. Now true it obviously makes money from the teen market having some place to take your date to. that alone is a huge market share in and of it’s self.

    Gellar could be making so much better movies the problem I think is that now with all these bad movies under her belt its going to be hard for her to get a decent role then it was back when she did buffy.

    Just my 2 cents on the matter

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