Stop Loss

Other than hearing about Stop Loss, I haven’t really followed it much or know too much about it beyond the basic premise. I had the chance today to finally see the trailer, and I’ve got to tell you I’m FASCINATED by it. I’m suddenly really looking forward to seeing the whole film. Check out the trailer:

Over at the official Stop Loss website, they’ve also got an interesting area they call “Sound Off” where users can interact with other users and the filmmakers as well (as far as I understand it). There is a video introduction by the film’s director (Kimberly Peirce who also directed Boys Don’t Cry) as well as others. Definitely an interesting idea.

You can see the official site here

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10 thoughts on “Stop Loss

  1. Boone,
    You may want to relook your contract. It is 8 years for everyone. Their should be new regulations put in place you may have had it fully explained to you but a lot of people don’t and most don’t fully read their contract before signing anyway the just see $20,000 an say where do I sign. Stop loss is a bad deal and it is not only happening to young first termers. I know a unit that will soon be redeploying with 2 guys who are over 20 and can not retire until they return, of course they know what stop loss is all about but when you get PCS orders to a unit deploying and you are on indefinate status not much you can do. It’s a shame and it will be a problem later down the line. For every soldier,sailor,airman and marine who enjoyed their time in service and have a good story to relate their will be 2 and all their friends and families with a stop loss story to tell. The recruiting trail is going to get very rough.

  2. enlistment is based on active or inactive you are required to do a total of a combination of 6 years or marine corpse 8 so if you do 4 years active you still have 2 years inactive or 4 for the marines. this is where stop loss comes from and your recruiter told you this( mine did ) so if you want to stop this enlist for a full enlistment or stop the lies coming from hollywood and liberal media and we would have more recruitment. I personaly would not leave my military family to do this job while i came home without fullfilling all of my enlistment requirement but thats a personal and moral point of view and thats my right as it is your right to agree or disagree but remember it is our veterans who have kept that right ours so thanks for reading and god bless all

  3. Happened to me 2 years ago, welcome to the draft. 2 months before i was going to get out, had a job lined up, looking for a new house, i had done my service, then like a ton of bricks landing on top of you, STOP LOSS Effective immediately. the worst for words i had ever heard in my life…..Until i had gotten out and received Re-Activation orders. Im not mad, i knew what i signed up for. its just sad because i chose to serve my country and did my duty and they really are abusing not only my service, but any other soldiers sense of duty. and here is the rub, if they tap the draft again, everyone’s children will be available for the war. but since the govt doesn’t want their kids fighting this war, they abuse a loophole which was designed for use in case WWIII broke out during the cold war. I will steal a line from linkin park here “When the rich wage war, Its the Poor who die.”

    Still here and still fighting
    Anger is a gift, stay alert and stay active.
    SGT J

  4. Everyone knows about it, xpgeek. They just choose to ignore the fact that their kids are over there for NO REASON BUT OIL AND MONEY! It’s a sad state of affairs for the young men and women who are fighting a “WAR” based on “LIES”…

  5. I want to see this, and everyone should, because its really happening and not many even know about it. I know someone this happened to, he went to Iraq, he did his time, and then they just automatically signed him back up without asking him if he wanted to.

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