Rambo Poster and New Name

Ok, so up to this point the new Sylvester Stallone Rambo movie has been called Rambo 4, John Rambo, Rambo 4: To Hell and Back, then switched back to John Rambo… and now it appears the movie has changed titles yet again. The new Rambo film is now officially (at least for now) “Rambo”. Whatever.

The new poster for “Rambo” has hit the web and it’s not bad for a start. Check it out:


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14 thoughts on “Rambo Poster and New Name

  1. If you go to AICN (a site which I actually started to enjoy way more than TMB) and look in the TOP STORIES column (the “Whoa Whoa Whoa… Who says it ain’t gonna be called JOHN RAMBO?” entry), you will find out how Lionsgate changed the title – and Stallone agreed because it didn’t sound anymore like a final Rambo movie – and how Harry Knowles made him change his mind back saying that a title which includes only the character’s name is less cartoonish and suggests a personal journey for the character.

  2. YES! this looks beefy! i cant wait to see this movie, from what i have read about production and watching the trailers…i got to say im gonna love this one no matter what! or else i will become a vegetarian*

  3. They should call this LAST BLOOD: RAMBO thats would be much better cause it reminds old fans that the orginal was called FIRST BLOOD then the next one was called RAMBO: FIRST BLOOD pt 2. Then there was the least fav RAMBO 3. So to keep up with the titles this one sound better as LAST BLOOD: RAMBO.

  4. OMFG rambo is going to kick ass..
    I think they should say to hell with the clever naming scemes and re-boot-a-rama re-invention clap-trap and just call this sucka: RAMBO:FOUR

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