Kevin Federline gets Fired from Night Watchmen

I honestly don’t typically relish in the failures of others, but with news like this, I can’t help but be amused. Kevin Federline (The Former Mr Britney Spears) is fancying himself an actor (since the rap career is doing so well) now with a role in The Night Watchman. Now it looks like that wont be happening. More importantly, its HOW this wannabe discovered the news.

Star Pulse says:

The dancer-turned-actor was due to appear in The Night Watchman – with rumors abounding Federline was “appearing opposite” the Matrix star.

However, reports allege Federline was fired from the forthcoming film, but was not informed.

A source tells the New York Daily News, “He had a very small role – he was in a montage.

“He was fired from the film, but his manager didn’t tell him. Kevin found out when he turned up for a wardrobe call.”

That is priceless. The guy doesn’t just get to slink away saying “it didnt work out” but now we find out it wasn’t a “role”, it was an extra in a montage.

I happen to agree with John when it comes to these singers who think that they can just BE actors because their agent pulls in some favours. Clearly there are some exemptions to this rule (Mark Walberg for one) but honestly, who do these people think they are?

He was clearly a good enough dancer to end up backing up one of the hottest stage show stars of the last decade, but how does that qualify you to be an ACTOR???

So maybe I am enjoying his rejection a little too much.

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6 thoughts on “Kevin Federline gets Fired from Night Watchmen

  1. I for one, would really like to see Kevin succeed. He does seem sincere in TRYING, which is the important thing. The fact that he’s the one turning out to be the responsible one when it comes to Britney and the kids, seem to indicate that he’s not a bum like a lot of people seem to want to portray him to be. A bum refuses to work, and I can see Kevin really trying to. It’s easy to hate someone like him, because we think we know him, and it makes us feel better to put him down.

  2. “Didn’t Campea make a post on this earlier? I could have sword he did. maybe I read this somewhere else”

    No, Eanetdude. He didn’t. But it’s possible you did read it somewhere else; the story is a few weeks old already………

    ….and it was on the MB Community a few weeks back as well before it went south (I can tell you who wrote the post too, but that’s unimportant now). When that MB arm gets back in shape, the post also will no longer exist, as Gio pointed out a week ago all old posts on Community have gone into the void.

    As I said in the Community, the folks behind Night Watchmen have simply come to thier senses, and said..
    1) we don’t really need the character, hence, it is a minor three second part at best;

    2) K-Fed isn’t an actor. If we need the character, give it to a person who is an actor or struggling to get a break;

    3) He’s being an ass.

    Yes, there are exceptions- but those who do well in front of a camera, such as LL Cool J or Wahlberg, tend to have taken acting lessons, and have started out in smaller roles, worked the way on up.

  3. Didn’t Campea make a post on this earlier? I could have sword he did. maybe I read this somewhere else.

    Awesome bit of news though Rodney. I enjoyed the 2nd reading! haha.

  4. Now I have that montage scene and song from Team America: World Police in my head. Well at least they can replace him with the Gary puppet who is a much better actor.

  5. Dickwads like this serve a purpose. They remind me that my life really is pretty awesome compared to some people. He’s a glorified prostitute, fucking a trailer trash skank to get some shine. What a douche.

  6. Exactly, and it’s no less infuriating to see the process go in the other direction.

    Fer instance, when Patrick Swayze sang “She’s Like the Wind”, I said there are hundreds of eminently qualified singers (with SOUL, to boot) who can’t get a break, and some studio is frittering away thousands of bucks on this putz. Aarrgh!!

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