I Know Who Killed Me DVD release Date

iknowwhokilledme.jpgOn Nov 27, 2007 the movie which killed Lindsay Lohan’s career comes out on DVD and blu-ray everywhere. Now this may not sound like exciting news to you, but this is a movie to see…ONLY if you play my drinking game I made up for it.

You see, I fell victim to morbid curiousity back in July, and saw this trainwreck of a movie in the theatres. Yes, this “thriller” is the movie that ruins her career like ‘Blown Away’ ruined the Coreys years back, but if you follow these specific rules, you will find yourself enjoying the flick. (Please do not attempt if you have a low tolerance to alcohol!)

Take ONE drink for everytime you see the color blue appear onscreen. (*Take an extra drink for everytime you see someone wear blue surgical gloves)

Take TWO drinks for everytime you hear Miss Lohan say the word, “f*ck.”

Take THREE drinks for everytime you see a finger, hand, arm, or leg get dismembered.

Finally, CHUG your drink down when you spot the red…(or should I say BLUE) herring early on in the flick.


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