Scarecrow Spy Footage From Filming Of The Dark Knight

We get news today from spies! It appears the guys at superherohype have obtained pictures and video of the Scarecrow on the shoot of The Dark Knight. We learn of this via our friends at joblo.

Below we have the video that was shot by Superhero Hype’s spy that names himself Typorocks.

We get a close up of a still of this video that better reveals scarecrow from our German friends at


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19 thoughts on “Scarecrow Spy Footage From Filming Of The Dark Knight

  1. Having Scarecrow back is going to be awsome! So thats Joker, Two-Face (even if not fully transformed into Two-Face) and Scarecrow. They are doing such a great job designing everything in these latest Batman movies. Gotham is supposed to be overrun with criminals and Batman is supposed to be its only hope, I am so glad that they are making Batman outclassed and outnumbered plus to have a babe that he was close to get killed, THAT would bring him down to nothing but hate for criminals. And that is Batman ladies and gentlemen.

    Having Dawes get beten to death by the Joker would make for an excellent high point. But I would rather have the new actor stick around for at least one movie than just play a role to get killed of. It would seem weird having one actor portray her then in the next movie she gets killed and a different actor is playing her, is it just me or does that sound annoying.
    Imagine The Dark Knight to be rated R, it would just be saying: This film is NOT for little seven year old Spidey fans (nothin against Spidey though).

  2. Is it really a spoiler if he was alive at the end of part two and hadn’t been apprehended? You could assume that he’d show up, so no, not a spoiler. Not like Barbossa marching down the stairs in Pirates 2. That’s a spoiler, but hey, to each his own.

  3. Thanks for the spoiler.

    Other sites titled this news with “Surprise character in TDK” or something else that didn’t spoiled the surprise.

    I don’t wanna b*tch to much about this, just be careful next time.

  4. How do you know it’s Scarecrow? I’m not trying to be a cock, I just can’t tell from the picture. Does the spy say he heard the name or something?

  5. Hall said that his role was a $200 millon surprise twist or something to that extent. Him being the new Scarecrow? Don’t really think so, and I hope not. Cillian Murphy said in an interview that the studio had options on him and other cast members (this was like last year) so I’d expect to see him return to the role.

    And hall as Nygma as it’s being rumored??? I can’t see it…Somehow Murphy seems more suited for that part :) But we’ll see. GOD I cannot wait for this movie.

  6. Cool thought here, what if scarecrow under the influnance of crazy juice cuts the holy living piss out of his own face so when he takes the mask off he is hideous to look at from all the infections and scars

  7. First of all, let’s get a few things straight.

    Nobody outside of Dark Knight knows what role Anthony Michael Hall is playing. I tend to think in terms of Al Falcone/Holiday Killer (until possibly today) because it made sense to me in regards of story…especially if they intend to set-up Harvey Dent’s rise and fall, and the gangster role played by Eric Roberts.

    Having Hall as “false Joker” (or Ledger, for that matter) would be simply a repeat of the previous film [He’s not “the” Ras Al Ghul, *this* guy is] and while it’s not a horrid idea, there would be a huge chunk of audience in surprise while the other half yawns.

    Having Hall as a big name villain such as Riddler would take away the spotlight off Joker. Nolan has clearly stated that there are no other major “new” villains outside of Joker.

    But as much as I could accept the possibility of Hall cast as the son of Falcone, I had an odd thought. What if…a deal with Cillian Murphy couldn’t be worked out and they had to recast…Scarecrow…?

    Is Hall the new Scarecrow?? Or is that actually Cillian Murphy?

  8. I agree that TDK needs to be “Empire strike back-ish” in that the bad guys seem to be winning at the end, but we know that the hero isnt finished yet.

  9. Kristina,

    I am 100% behind you on the Rachel Dawes death deal. I think that Joker needs to beat her to death with a crowbar, just like in the comic. What’s better, if he did it in front of Batman. Even better, if the climax of the movie is essentially Joker’s victory despite his being caught or killed by Batman. Possibilities: (1) Joker does the damage to Dawes and Harvey Dent PRIOR to Batman’s arrival, and Batman gets him but still kinda loses. (2) Joker captures Batman and ruins his allies in front of him. Then Batman goes nuts angry and beats the hell out of everyone. Either way, I think Dawes HAS to bite it at the hands of the Joker to push Batman over the edge; plus if the flic ends with Dent resenting Batman for letting the crap happen, it would totally fuel Two-face’s anger at the Dark Knight in a later flic.

  10. I hope they don’t make the mistake in this sequel that they do in so many others: overloading it with characters to the point that people who deserve a bit more attention get pushed into the background. BB had a great balance, and everyone had their moments to shine. If Scarecrow gets capped, it would make room for new people while maintaining the balance, so I’m all for that. Here’s hoping Ms. Dawes is six feet under by the end credits, too.

  11. Yeah, they’ve practically got half the Batman Rogue’s gallery in the picture now. I really hope that the characters of Harvey Dent and Edward Nigma don’t become their villain alter-egos. It’d be awesome if they introduced the characters and explored them as people PRIOR to their turn to villainy. If Hbick is right about the joker throwing the acid on harvey, I hope it happens at the very end, and the movie ends with Harvey waking in the hospital, setting up the next movie. Or something like that. If they ALL become their villains, plus we have Joker and Scarecrow, that could be a huge problem. It’d be crazy if Scarecrow is only in this one scene, and Joker kills him–as if Nolan is saying, “if you thought Scarecrow was crazy and villainous, this new guy just shot him in the head without blinking.”

  12. wow, i really didn’t think the scarecrow would be making an appearance in this since he was the only character introduced in batman begins. oh well, now we have heath ledger as the joker, aaraon eckhart (sp?) as harvey dent (who becomes two-face probably in this movie since i think it’s the joker who throws the acid on his face) and anthony michael hall rumored to be the joker. this is great for more sequels since they introduce them all early.

    oh well lets just hope the scarecrow plays a smaller role since he was a big pussy in the first one, like really who hides behind a mask? pun intended ;-)

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