Goyer To Direct Magneto

goyerd.jpgWe get news about the upcoming Magneto project from our friends at moviesonline (and it sucks.)

Variety is reporting that David Goyer is directing the upcoming Xmen spin off Magneto. That said when Sheila sat down and interviewed David Goyer a few weeks ago about his latest project invisible there was no mention of it. As far as I am concerned the more mutant movies we get the better!

The studio hired Sheldon Turner (“The Amityville Horror”) to write the screenplay. The movie will likely show the early years of Magneto, so it is not clear if Ian McKellen will be back to reprise his role. Also Professor X will be involved. While Magneto was send to a concentration camp, Professor X was a soldier of the allied Forces.
Sheldon Turner said: “”I pitched a film that is almost ‘The Pianist’ meets ‘X-Men,’ about a guy who, after watching his e (save for maybfamily slaughtered, has an awakening of his powers and seeks revenge.”

Well this news is pretty fucking horribe. Goyer directed the third Blade film and that pretty much took away all faith I will ever have in him as s a Director. We now learn that he is the director for Magneto? – fuck that shit.

Now Goyer was responsilble for writing Batman Begins, The Dark Knight, Blade 1,2,3 and Dark City. The man can write (save for Blade 3) I just do not want to see him in the directors chair. The Magneto character is pretty badass, and you should really have a seasoned Director helm the project. I am aware that it is a “comic book movie” but the reason comic book stories are so important to us is because they are our modern day myths.

Spiderman, Superman, Magneto, Wolverene – these are members of a pantheon. We relate to these characters like the ancients used to relate to the tales of Thor, Loki, Zeus and Mercury. Goyer may do a great job directing and I very well may eat my words, I am just concerned for the project and think the director’s chair may not be the best place for him to sit.

International friends: Do I have cause for alarm? Or am I just over-reacting due to Blade 3?

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18 thoughts on “Goyer To Direct Magneto

  1. Well, there are exceptions to “all prequels” stink. I do think the last Star Wars film was still effective; as was Indiana Joones And The Temple Of Doom. I also liked Dominion : The Excorist as well (the Paul Schader version) as well. And let’s not forget Godfather II. However, those are the few exceptions.

    I basically have come back to this post because two things have taken place. One, “The Invisible” had a lot of push behind it, but it appears that :

    1) It was not screened for critics [ouch]

    2) Over half the interesting stuff in the trailer is not in the film. This is starting to emerge as the major complaint thus far from moviegoers who have seen the film.

    The mere mention of these two facts gave me pause. It was the only film I considered to see this weekend; I had checked myself and am not in any big hurry. (and Spidey’s this week anyway)

    The othr big stunning development is the leaked script of that “other” X-Men prequel, where one can hope that it is an early draft. But if not, ouch. http://www.filmick.co.uk/
    “Wolverine Script review”. Of course, I genrally frown on such reviews, because it may well be a discarded script.

  2. “Backstory is good in flashbacks, but you can’t have an entire movie with a pre-determined ending because there is no surprise”

    You could say that with every single movie adapted from a book or any type of story that has already been made avalible to the public.

  3. I am saddened by this as well. Blade 3 was a huge mess. So bad I wish the movie company would go back and redue it. Get Guillermo del Toro to come back for it, he’s said before he’d love to do more Blade in the future.

    I know it was just his first film and every director has they’re first film and most the time that first movie does turn out bad. But man was that movie bad and bad after fallowing 2 great films in the series, all of which were wrote by Goyer. It was quite somthing to see for this guy who loves comic book films and loves to write them and does a great job at it, and then to loose all his good artistic vision with his first in control project.

    He really should just stick to writing, but I do restpect him for wanting to give it another try to prove us wrong. And if he can really do it, then thats great, BUT he should by no means make Magneto a directing project until we have seen him do somthing else and do it good.

    Magneto is just too damn awesome a character to give to such a rookie who still hasn’t proven himself. Magneto is one of the best comic book characters EVER. To me he’s up they’re with Batman, Wolverine, Spawn, and Superman. I know they can find someone better for this. Just when I really started to think Hollywood started to care about these characters I myself and so many others love so much.

    Goyer better pull a miracle out of his ass for this one, or else like Doug said, FUCK THIS SHIT.

  4. If this movie sucks it will not be because of Goyer, but because Prequels always suck.

    Backstory is good in flashbacks, but you can’t have an entire movie with a pre-determined ending because there is no surprise. 6 years after Phantom Menace I finally saw young Anakin become Vader and it was… well pretty boring. they spiced it up with a fight with Obi Wan and by killing some jedi along the way, but thats ALL bullshit you knew was going to happen and knew the outcome.

    Will there be any shock when Magneto and Xavier part ways? When Xavier loses the use of his legs? When Magneto sets off to start a movement? Nope, because I already knwo this stuff happens and the suspense is GONE.

  5. While I agree that Goyer’s writing was to blame for the mess that was Blade: Trinity, I hardly think he single-handedly revived anything. I think Stephen Norrington had a huge hand in that as well. I know it’s all the rage to bash Wesley because of his on-set attitude, but I think he played a role in it too.
    Norrington and Del Toro seemed to be able to handle it and make great movies. So that’s no excuse.
    Goyer’s lack of experience in the director’s chair is what ruined the movie. If he had more experience, he might have had the tools to handle a guy like Wesley, and he might have understood the difference between what looks good on paper and what looks good on-screen. Plus, like someone else said, if he had been a little more interested in completing the Blade trilogy and a little less interested in making a NightStalkers spin-off, the movie would have probably turned out a lot better.

    Not to mention the fact that there have been numerous articles telling about all the stuff in Goyer’s scripts that Norrington and Del Toro cut out. For f**k’s sake, Del Toro wanted to make a vampire apocalypse movie as the third installment. That would have rocked. Yet another reason for me to hate what Goyer did in Trinity.

    I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again…
    Goyer is a talented writer, but he needs a talented director to filter what he writes and help it to translate to screen. Proof of this fact can be found in Blade: Trinity, where all of Goyer’s ideas made it to screen unfiltered and unchecked.

    I havent seen The Invisible yet, but I plan on seeing it.
    That, to me, will be a better way to judge his directing skill.
    Goyer should have never been handed the reigns to Blade as his first gig. Especially not after all the stuff that was removed from his first two scripts by talented directors. Someone should have noticed that fact and realized that this was not the gig to be handing him his first time out.

    As for the Magneto movie…
    I think the whole thing is a mistake.
    Maybe it’ll be good… I dont know, but I just dont have any desire for it.

  6. I think he shouldn’t get his hands on Magneto I mean maybe if he does the screenplay that is ok but not as the director. To be honest when they made Ian look young again in X3 he looked younger than what he actually looked like when he was in his 40s. I mean he already looked like a guy who was up there in age when he was in his 40s. I think maybe they should get a younger actor for Magneto when he is in his late teens and early 20s but then just use Ian for when Magneto is supposed to be in his 30s.

  7. if they are going to CG Ian Mckellen and Patrick Stewart,that’s even worse news then. They’re supposed to be in their 20s, right? CG is just a bad way to go about this. It would be a waste to spend all that money on CGI just to make them look younger. They shoud just hire 2 new actors, i also think they should get a bigger guy to play Magneto. McKellen doesn’t even look like Magneto from the comics.

  8. yup

    no doubt blade3 was humiliating on several levels; its not many flicks where i walk out, hoping not to see anybody i know so i don’t have to admit i wasted my time on it…but i’d like to believe Goyer could apply the magic of Batman Begins to the Magneto project. and that he is aware of his reputation out among us fans and that this factor will play a MAJOR part in the way he assembles this project.

    few people would deny Batman Begins is the best of the series (Batman Returns is my 2nd favorite) but then you gotta consider how much power the producers can pull on Goyer, forcing him to make decisions he wouldn’t want to. but until more concrete information becomes available, let’s hope for a justice/revenge story along the lines of Batman Begins and perhaps something hard, malevolent and primal like say, Robocop.

    also, i heard that Sir Ian McKellen and Patrick Stewart were both confirmed for the Magneto solo movie but that they’d be CG’d like in the intro to X3. now, a question for everybody here:


  9. Soooooo….. i’m in the minority here. I kinda liked Blade 3. LOL! Seriously though, I think Goyer will surprise us here. Remember, he wrote some of the best comic book movies around. Goyer also wrote Dark City (one of my all-time favorites).

    I have a good idea that he will write an amazing screenplay for Magneto. I also think he might have learned a lot being the director of Blade 3 and will be better when he helms Magneto.

  10. Tell you what: see THE INVISIBLE, and *then* debate if Goyer will be fine behind Magneto.
    It’s pretty darn odd to me this news comes out…and you all whine…but everyone seemed to be heartbroken when “The Flash” fell though.

    I think he’s in talks right now…but I see him being more of a contender for Wolverine than Magneto. Maybe that’s just me. But, damn. I…

    I am **sick** of this. Oh, the “fans” love it when Goyer gets his fingerprints on this comic property or adaptation…’he’s the guy..’ but then an about face when he’s suggested as a director. Get over yourselves. Seriously. “Blade Trinity” wasn’t a great film, but it’s not horrible (and, if you want to be technical; the film failed due to other things, not just Goyer)…

    Again, I don’t see Goyer behind Magneto; but it would not shock me if he were asked.

  11. i agree with john, blade 3 was terrible. it was just a mess of a movie. blame the writing and the directing. it was just overall bad. now he wants to do magneto… big mistake. especially if they want this to be a respected movie. however if marvel want this in line with dare devil, elektra, & the first fantastic four, let him roll with it. maybe i’m being unfair. maybe he learned a lot from his destruction of the blade series with blade 3 and will attempt to redeem. let’s only hope
    oh yea…transformers is going to rock. and goyer will only wish he could

  12. if they do make it, they should go for someone bigger to play Magneto, someone who looks more like the comic character. It doesn’t matter if it conflicts with the Magneto in X-Men, because it’s a different series. McKellen might be a great actor, but he is much more fraile than the comic Magneto. How about Rutger Hauer?

    And they shouldn’t fire Goyer, they should fire the monkey, Sheldon Turner. How unoriginal can he get? This sounds almost like the first scenes of X-Men 1 stretched to full length feature film combined with a revenge story. Putting Magneto in a concentration camp? That’s just too much, too dark and serious for a summer action movie.

  13. Calm down Doug. I happen to think David Goyer’s a fantastic talent. Keep in mind, he single-handedly revived comic books as a film genre after Schumaker ran comic movies into a coma with the crappy Batman films he did. And he did it with the most unlikely of properties -Blade, a character most people had never even heard of. But look what he did with it! This was in 1998 mind you, when studio and public appetite for comic-book based movies was at an all-time low.

    David Goyer’s the reason people were willing to have faith in comic book movies again. X-Men, Spider-Man, Batman Begins, etc were the result of Goyer showing comic book based movies worked best when taken seriously. Period.

    Did I mention that Goyer co-wrote the script for Batman Begins?

    Did Goyer disappoint with Blade 3? Yes, it was an underwhelming entry for the series, and ran against the grain of the bold, well-laid foundation he’d created with the first two films, but it was hardly a shitty movie. Bad experiment? Yes, but not shitty. And keep in mind there were all sorts of on-set problems as well, not to mention Goyer clearly seemed more interested in setting up a Nightstalkers spin-off than he was with rounding out a Blade Trilogy. But the directing of the film was great. The scenes were handled fine for what they were, but he just didn’t give himself good material to work with. Fault him for that, that’s legitimate, but his DIRECTING was just fine.

    Goyer knows how to direct. My bet is he’ll do a better job with Magneto than Bay is doing with Transformers. He certainly knows how fans felt about Blade 3 and he’s learned from it.

    Let’s just hope he has a good script to direct this time.

  14. Hopefully the studio will wise up and replace him. Don’t get me wrong, he’s brilliant screenwriter but Blade: Trinity is just a big, huge black mark on his short career as director. Will the same thing happen with Magneto?

  15. i’m torn on this one.

    On the one hand, i like it when writers get the chance to direct. But Goyer has directed some movies that critics don’t like.

    It’s a tough call. Oh heck, just give him another chance, Nagy.

    What i’m worried about is the story. I don’t like the idea about “the pianist” meeting “x-men”, because i can’t stand it when they try to put a social message about how nazis treated jews in a sci-fi action movie. It’s just very heavy-handed, and it’s been done to death. We already had Scindler’s List, Anne Frank’s diaries. We had a little of it in the beginning of X-Men 1, and that was already too much. And add onto the cliches, it’s also a revenge story. Another done to death genre. Didn’t we get that in The Punisher, Kill Bill?

    This story really sounds like The Punisher story except with more super powers. Family gets killed and he seeks revenge.

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