Will Pirates of the Caribbean 3 be Delayed?

Have you noticed it? Has it struck you as odd? Here we are, just over 2 months from the release date of Pirates of the Caribbean 3, and yet we haven’t seen a single trailer, the official website isn’t up, and we’re basically hearing NOTHING from Disney about it at all. Doesn’t that strike you as strange?

Last year, Pirates 2 had a big TV spot for the Superbowl… and that was when Pirates 2 wasn’t even being released until June. And look how that turned out? The single largest opening weekend boxoffice in recorded history. So it does lend itself to ask the question: “Why was there no Pirates 3 ads at the Superbowl this year… and more than that… why have we seen NOTHING from the film so far? ” Is there something up?

Our friends over at JoBlo were wondering the same thing:

…almost no pictures that we can publish without receiving a “cease and desist” decree from the Man behind the Mouse, no posters, and now rumblings that things are going slower than anticipated in the editing room and that the film may not make its official May 25th release date? Heck, Disney is still mum about whether or not Rolling Stone Keith Richards is even making an appearance in the film

So what’s the deal? Are they having problems with the post-production? Did they think the film sucked and they’re working on re-cutting or even re-filming some stuff? Will the movie get delayed?

I’m guessing the film will be released on schedule… but at this point I won’t be surprised if it doesn’t. What are your thoughts?

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12 thoughts on “Will Pirates of the Caribbean 3 be Delayed?

  1. Official Press Release Excerpt.

    “Pirates” fans in cities across the U.S. will have a chance to celebrate their favorite film series and be the first in the world to see the new trailer for the highly anticipated upcoming “Pirates of the Caribbean: At World’s End” at a special nationwide “Pirates Ultimate Fan Event” on Sunday, March 18th. Fans are encouraged to log on to: Disney.com/piratesfanevent to win a chance to attend this exclusive event, which will be held at a select theater in each market. Those winners that come dressed in their finest pirates garb will be granted priority admission in each location.”

    Sounds like something’s up to me.

  2. They’re probly just not done with it yet. I mean if the effects are going to be as good or better then part 2, then that alone will keep them busy til’ atleast April I’m sure.

    Or they are just ridding the wave of hype based on they’re feelings of how well part 2 did. Most of everyone knows it’s already coming, or will soon be word of mouth and they’re is enuff people out there that wanna go see it with or without seeing a trailer. Maybe they’re trying to prove somthing, that a movie can do well without it being shoved down everyones throats because of people’s love for the first ones was enuff. Or they could be trying to save some money, not that they need it.

    But I too think it’ll be delayed. They’re too is a chance it isn’t as good as the first ones, so they could be changing enuff around to effect the release date. OR, we could just get a huge supprise with a really AWSOME trailer being shown in April. ;p

    Who knows, all we can do is wait and see. Either way I can’t wait, I think, or atleast hope, this next one will be as much fun to see as the others were. I just love the fact they’re mixing it with an Asian feel.

  3. Pirates 3 doesn’t need a trailer. Every man, woman and child in the country will go see this flick, guaranteed.

    Spider-Man 3, however… I think they’ve already given too much away. Everyone is going to go see that one too — why spoil the surprise so early?

  4. i think the lack of trailers hype etc etc is deliberate…..
    and if it is it is sensible…people might have pirate fatigue and they don’t want to saturate people with it..yet.

    they are also probably thinking that after making a billion dollars people are more than likely aware another one is on the way

  5. I prefer them not showing anything. It means I can go into the film without seeing any of the best parts, any of the best visual effects, etc. I’d like to go to leave the screening with my mind blown.

  6. I wouldn’t put it past them to hold the trailer back because they know that people are foaming at the mouth to see new footage. Not advertising is actually advertising in a way. The internet is buzzing about the lack of Pirates, so everyone knows when the movie is supposed to come out. Isn’t that the point of advertising? Everyone and their momma is aware of this movie, so they’re just holding back until the eleventh hour.

  7. Not sure about this particular film, but I know movie studios decided to skip promos at the SuperBowl to avoid petty in-fighting, the have’s and have nots, as far as what movies would get ads and what movies would not, so they just skipped it altogether for the most part.


  8. I wonder if they’re waiting to unload at the beginning of May, letting Spider-man do its massive marketing, then coming on its heels like gangbusters…who knows what Disney is thinking, they made “Lilo and Stitch”.

  9. Take a visit to the forums at http://www.wordplayer.com for the latest from screenwriters Ted Elliot and Terry Rossio.

    Essentially, POTC 3 has been mum for two reasons:

    1. The inevitable rush to have everything ready in time for the May release date. They’ll likely be working right up until the week before release. (Not an uncommon event for big budget pictures; almost a given when release back-to-back sequels).

    2. They’re deliberately avoiding oversaturating the market. POTC 2 did so well in theaters, and then DVD sales followed the skyrocketing record, so they’re trying to give the audience a chance to catch their breath before they come back for more.

  10. If they’re holding out the movie they can wait until May 25th 2008 as far as I’m concerned. They should take their time, I think it was a mistake to rush the sequel less than a year after the first one. Besides they made so much money they figured they deserved a break.

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