Who Was The Best Supporting Actor In The Departed

As everyone knows, Mark Wahlberg has been nominated for Best Supporting Actor at the Oscars this year. I personally find this funny because even though I thought he did a good job in the film… I didn’t think he was even in the top 3 supporting actors for the movie he was in… let alone one of the 5 best performances of the year in that category. So now I’m asking you guys… who do you think was the Best Supporting actor in The Departed?

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16 thoughts on “Who Was The Best Supporting Actor In The Departed

  1. If I were to rank them: Sheen

    I don’t think Whalberg got nearly enough screentime to constitute a strong performance, all he did when he was on was swear and punch Damon.
    Sheen had the emotional kook on the audience, his character wanted to pull Di Caprio out of that situation and he died for it. Nicholsen was very good, but he’s always very good and he didn’t really seperate himself from the crowd of brilliant acting in this film.
    And John, I’m still not sure why you think Baldwin should have been oscar nominated for best supporting actor. He had about 2 minutes total screentime in the movie and didn’t blow me away at all, he did a competent job, but not astounding.

  2. I thought Wahlberg’s performance was good and it showed that the dude has some range to his acting ability. I don’t think it was Oscar worthy though. I thought Nicholson’s performance was better but then he was… Nicholson. People fault him for being over the top but that’s part of what he does, being over the top.

    Here is a question: Out of his whole career and all the movies that he’s made, has Nicholson EVER given an uncompelling or uninteresting performance ever?

    Your mileage may vary but I don’t think he has and that says a lot about him as an actor. But then I think there is something about Nicholson in that he is inherently just compelling and interesting to watch as a person, even off-screen. Much in the way that George Carlin can come out on the Tonight Show and just stand there and not say anything and elicit laughter, I think that someone could make a 5 minute film of Nicholson just eating an apple and it would be generally interesting for people to watch.

  3. Jack Nicholson played the same kind of character he always plays, crazy and over the top.

    I loved Alec Baldwin’s performance – crude, funny – the whole sweating bullets scene cracked me up.

    Mark Wahlberg did a good job but not as good as Baldwin.

    If I were to rank them:

  4. As a HUGE Jack Nicholson fan, I have to say that his performance while VERY GOOD was not GREAT. I liked Marky Mark’s performance slightly more than Jack’s–but I think I’m still used to being prejudiced against him because of his background.

    Maybe Marky Mark’s performance was indeed the best of the supporting roles, but I liked Sheen’s and Baldwin’s performances more.

    I haven’t seen the film with the other guy who seems sure to win best picture (forget who it is–an Afrian-American actor? I really forget who, and for what role, sorry), but DiCaprio really, really impressed me in this. I was so upset that his character wouldn’t be in the sequel, but when I heard there was also going to be a prequel… that makes up for it. (No spoilers in wording things that way, right??)

  5. nicholson did nothing special here though…it was hardly a stretch for him to play an crazy tough guy……

    he was great but it was shooting fish in a barrel for him

    did anyone really watch his performance and go “wow – i never thought he had it in him to pull of this type of performance”

    of course not

  6. “he grins like the joker.”

    Or you mean… like himself? Sheesh.

    Anyway, where is the love for Martin Sheen? And you people that say Jack was “too over the top” honestly have no clue what you’re talking about.

  7. They were ALL great to me. Too hard to pick between wahlberg and baldwin.

    “I’m the guy who does his job. You must be the other guy!”

    “Patriot Act! Patriot Act! I love it!”

  8. I think Mark Wahlberg did a great job too but it is really crazy that Jack Nicholson didn’t get nominated for best supporting actor. The Academy isn’t and some of the nominations they give to people are a bit surprising and undeserving at times but if you nominated Wahlberg in the film why wouldn’t nominated Jack? The most likely reason is that he does have a few Oscars already.

  9. Yeah, Jack was easily the best performance in this movie (save DiCaprio, and possibly Damon).

    While it’s not right, I think they snubbed him because he’s been nominated so much and won so many times and decided to give it to somebody new.

    I don’t think that’s right — the best man should ALWAYS win — but hey… what can ya do… Marky Mark did great in this.

  10. I love Mark Wahlberg. He’s one of my favorite actors. And he was great in The Departed. But I do not see how Jack Nicholson didnt get nominated. I mean, honestly, what the hell? I guess its because he always has 3, lol.

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