Ghost Rider Clips Instead of Press Screening

In what seems like desperation Sony releases some clips that Movies Online Was nice enough to show us.

We just got 9 new clips for Ghost Rider courtesy of SONY. The film comes to cinemas February 16th, 2007. Johnny Blaze has a dark secret – he is the Ghost Rider – who can grab you and force you to re-live tenfold all the sins you have perpetuated in your lifeā€¦ if there are too many sins, you’ll burn up and incinerate. In order to save his dying father, young stunt cyclist Johnny Blaze sells his soul to Mephistopheles and sadly parts from the pure-hearted Roxanne Simpson, the love of his life.

Now a popular theme we repeat often here at TMB is that if a studio puts out a movie, but doesn’t allow for advanced screenings for the press, it means the movie is going to suck. Now in some cities, Sony has offered some screenings that are strategically too late on Thursday so their reviews wont make the paper on Friday. We have yet to encounter an exception to this rule, so we take this as a pretty solid sign that this movie wont be all that great.

So from all these clips, the movie looks mediocre at best, and I would presume that these are the BEST scenes Sony could offer up for publicity, without giving away any of the real meat.

Check out the clip called “Could say no” to see Eva Mendez do a REALLY sexy strut and cop some heavy attitude at Cage. This is the ONLY part of this movie that has any draw to me. Ok, that and I am a big Cage fan, but he hasn’t really come through for me lately.

Click here to see the footage.

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19 thoughts on “Ghost Rider Clips Instead of Press Screening

  1. Darren,
    I noticed that too.
    I wonder what would make John take the AE off of the main page.

    Superherohype got an advanced screening and the post retracted it’s statement. There have been a couple of reviews sprout up on AICN so that means there have to have been screenings at some point before thursday.
    And the NYPost retracted it’s article.

    here’s a story about screenings from last thursday and the applause at the end –

    here’s a story on rotton tomatoes from the 9th which makes reference to screenings “yesterday and today. Remember, the article is from the 9th of Feb –

    and here’s another one from CanMag that also retracts their article about the made up fact that there werent going to be any press screenings. It’s also from the 9th and include mentions of screenings “yesterday and today” –

    So now that we know there have been many press screenings can we please stop saying there arent going to be any press screenings until late in the day this coming Thursday. Because it is inaccurate and false. If the movie sucks then the movie sucks. Let it suck on it’s own merit, not because of some lie about there not being any screenings for critics.

  2. What I meant was, the clips don’t match with the commercials I’ve seen that make it look like a fucking laugh a minute comedy. I shit you not, the commercials I’ve seen are selling me something different from what those clips are.

  3. Kristina? “I still have zero clue what this movie’s plot is”

    You said you saw the clips. Its pretty clear. He makes a deal with the devil to save his dad and gives up his soul, and then the devil makes another deal that says if he becomes Ghost Rider and kills Blackheart, he gets his soul back.

    All that is in the clips and the above post.

  4. You are not gonna believe this. I’m on the films committee at my college, and I just got an email from our committee chair saying that she scored us free passes for Ghost Rider, as well as Black Snake Moan and Reno 911:Miami. So if this sucks, at least I don’t have to pay for it!

  5. The clips don’t really influence me one way or another. I intend to go see the movie, but I’d see it no matter what really. I like Cage, I like Mendes, and I’m a comic junkie.

  6. Problems with this flick

    1) Cage’s accent is horrendous. What is it with actors fucking up Southern accents?

    2) No way on God’s green earth could that freakish man land Eva Mendes. NO WAY.

    3) After watching those clips, after seeing the trailers, commercials, all of it, I still have zero clue what this movie’s plot is.

  7. It seems some people are invited to the pary; others are not.
    I also know that as soon as I went round and round with John, I said ” And To Sony: If you read this, Ghost Rider better not stink!”

    The entire AE, the post, and all comments went up in smoke and disappeared less than a half hour (?) later. Maybe there’s something to it.

    BTW, if there *was* another film I’d see instead of Ghost Rider this weekend? Howcome MB has never as of yet had any news on ‘Breach” with Chris Cooper and Ryan Phillipe?

  8. Darren, I have yet to see any reports, reviews or statements claiming anyone had seen the movie or were planning to attend this week.

    The only news we have heard was from MANY members of the press saying the “advanced screenings” were Thursday night well after their known deadlines to get a review in the Friday papers.

  9. is it that surprising that this film is probably terrible.

    the trailer is one of the funniest things I have ever seen….I have seen it twice now and both times everyone in the theatre has lughed..o.k. not everyone but a lot of people were cracking up

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