The Dark Is Rising Movie

Dark-Rising-MovieI’m a sucker for Sci-Fi and fantasy films of almost any type… seems like even when they’re complete crap I’ll still sit down to watch them (I watched a lot of Star Wars and played a lot of D&D as a kid). So when I read this news about an upcoming “The Dark Is Rising” movie, I sat up and took notice. Our good friends over at MoviesOnline give us this:

The Dark Is Rising Sequence tells the story of Will Stanton, a boy whose everyday life is turned upside down when he learns that he is the last of the “Old Ones,” a group of immortal warriors who have dedicated their lives to fighting the forces of the Dark. As he uncovers a series of mysterious clues, some dating back to the founding of Britain and others going all the way back to biblical times, Will discovers that with the Dark once again rising, the future of the world rests in his hands.

Hmmm… sounds a little bit like The Highlander crossed with a pinch of Harry Potter. Meh, whatever. Old concepts can be done in new ways. I’ve heard good things about the stories… think I’ll run out today and buy it to see if the film has any hope.

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13 thoughts on “The Dark Is Rising Movie

  1. I just saw this trailer during the Harry Potter movie, and I must say I am horribly disappointed! Since when does Will have magical powers?!?!? Oh, and naturally, the movie is set in the present day, and Will is emo and angsty as he gripes about girls.

    I was so looking forward to this movie when I first heard about it, but now I don’t think I’ll be going to see it. They’ve turned the book series on its ear. Doesn’t Susan Cooper have to be dead before Walden has her rolling in her grave? (If she has passed, then what a horrible way to remember her this movie is)

    My advice? Read the books. They are not nearly as bad as this movie will make adults think they are.

  2. From the various interviews and articles I’ve read and from the gross changes made to the story-line, I can say that the books have been tossed aside to make a generic, derivative precocious-kid tweeny fantasy.

  3. The dark is rising, Lord of the rings, and Harry Potter all have similar elements in them because they all have used peices of the King Arthur legends. The dark is rising was just a little more direct about it.

  4. I came across the book The Dark is Rising by accident, and I’m truly glad I did. Since then, I’ve been an avid fan of the series. And upon hearing that they’re making a movie based on it, I was elated.

    I do hope that they give justice to the story though. I’ve been disappointed lots of times by other movies that were based on series or novels. It seems they keep on deleting too many crucial scenes.

  5. The Dark is Rising is a superb fantasy series based on the Arthur legend. I read them back in the 1970s. Within the series, The Dark is Rising and The Grey King are by far the best of the five books. I hope they don’t mess the storyline up.

  6. Always hoped this would be made into a movie someday. Hopefully, the same will come to pass for the works of Alan Garner. IMHO Susan Cooper’s books are far superior to the Harry Potter books,both in terms of the actual writing and the fact that they contain a real ‘mythic element’,wheras HP is full of the ‘standard’ wizards,witches and so forth.

  7. I was just in Romania and we were in a small village near Sigishoara taking photos of an amazing gothic church and tower with a cemetary in front. In my curiosity I gave a gentle kick to a large stone cross lying on the ground when it moved about 20 cm. At this point I realized I was looking at a medieval church surrounded by props for a movie set in Modern day England. Hence the name of the church was “Steven the Lesser” definitely not Romanian, along with many other English props.

    When I talked to a friend in Brasow he told me they were filming a Hollywood movie there the week before.

    Then I talked to an American friend in Bucuresti and he told he played the part of an English professor, (which is what he is)in an upcoming movie called “The Dark is Rising”. I was not familiar with this series but now I am excited to see it. Soon I will post the photos on my website
    Cheers Joe T

  8. I’m a complete fan of Walden Media, after seeing the Water Horse, Chronicles Of Narnia and wondering at the awe of Bridge To Terabithia and Amazing Grase who could not be a fan?

    Walden Media is the greatest family friendly movie company next to New Line Cinema which became a household name after their masterpiece The LOTR Trilogy and has continued to do so with The Last Mimzy, Hoot and the upcoming The Golden Compass.

    I’m compelled to say that the wait for The Dark Is Rising movie is hard after looking at the books, playing the Narnia vidoe game, and reading other info on The Dark Is Rising Sequence.

    It pleased me to the see how true Walden Media stayed to the christian values in the Narnia books and how they refuesed to add mild language to the film plus the most impressive were cgi Lion, and Centaur plus the actor for Peter was perfect.

    I’m looking forwad to see a Dark is Rising video game from walden media as i would purchase it well before the movie was out.

  9. The first book in The Dark is Rising sequence was published in 1965, the last in 1976 (there are five books total). I remember reading the series back in middle school, in the early 90s, as well… and have always thought HP was lifting some ideas from DR, but then again, DR was lifting from LOTR and LOTR was lifting from many folk and cultural mythologies… don’t you just love how incestuous sci-fi/fantasy is?

  10. Just remember, this book has been around for quite a while, way before Harry Potter. Harry Potter probably has influences from this and not the other way around. I remember reading it when I was in middle school. I’m kinda excited. Hope I’m not let down.

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