Original Star Wars Trailer

Well… the title says it all. Here is the original Star Wars trailer. Wow… all I can say is that George Lucas has at least learned how to cut much better trailers today than he used to.

I just had to add this comment that Mr. Stay Puft made about the trailer because it’s 100% bang on. He said: “Makes you appreciate John Williams’s score all the more.” So true.

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13 thoughts on “Original Star Wars Trailer

  1. ‘somewhere in space, this may all be happening now’
    obviously this is a bit contradictory with ‘A Long Time Ago…’ and I doubt Lucas had anything to do with cutting this trailer…

  2. I love this trailer. It cracks me up. On the one of the old laserdiscs they talk about this trailer for a bit and according to the laser disc the reason the trailer is so serious is because until star wars 70’s sci fi had been a rather sombre serious affair….pretty much since 2001 came out and the studio wanted to make it look like it was a serious film rather than the rollicking adventure it actually is. They didn;t believe there was a childrens audience for it..on the laser discs they do a side by side comparison of this trailer and then the trailer they bashed out once the film was a hit…completely different….williams score blaring…high adventure all the way…it is quite funny.

  3. I actually quite like it.. its so low budget, shows how they never knew it was going to be such a big success. If only the recent 3 were made without the knowledge that they were going to be multi-million box office smashes regardless.

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