“Myriam, Mother of the Christ” picked up by MGM

mother.jpgThat’s right folks, move over Passion of the Christ there’s a new kid in town and she’s going to kick some box office butt, or at least that is what MGM is banking on with the newly purchased movie “Myriam, Mother of the Christ”. The good neighbors over at monstersandcritics.com give us this on the holy purchase:

The Power Of “Christ” compels MGM to take on the “Myriam, Mother of the Christ” film, acquiring North American distribution rights to the biblical story of Mary. The story will be skewed from Mary’s point of view as she gradually understands the unfolding of God’s plan and responds to her calling. So far there is no director or cast attached.

So apparently The film is also about the key events in Mary’s life leading up to the birth of Jesus, and the holy family’s journey from Egypt to Nazareth following the death of King Herod. Sounds…biblical. But also maybe good. Ok, ok it is just jumping onto the Passion bandwagon but seriously this is the first bible movie that has actually interested me.

Call me curious but this is a story that isn’t as often told as the whole crucifixion gamut that we hear every year at Christmas and Easter. And how Mary and Joseph got together, how they traveled across desert to find a new home and got to bear little baby Jesus sounds kind of interesting. I want to know how Mary got knocked up with Christ. If this has a decent director and just one quality name attached and this could be pretty good.

I’d love it if it was controversial as well, like maybe in this version there is a bible times mailman that drops by often, or perhaps she and Joseph just actually roll around a lot in the hay and then blame it on immaculate conception for their parents sake. Who knows?I’m also excited for a bible story that takes on a woman’s perspective, how were things back then for the ladies? I’m betting they were pretty tough, something I’d like to have a look at.

So I guess you can all see that I’m a go for this movie. How about everyone out there? Would you see a Myrium, Mother of Christ?

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11 thoughts on ““Myriam, Mother of the Christ” picked up by MGM


  2. Honestly, when will the world grow up? The Greeks told many stories about gods who impregnated human women who in turn gave birth to children with special powers or whatever, but we don’t call it “the word” we call it mythology. I’ve read/studied both the old and new testaments, the Koran and many books on Buddhism, as well as ancient mythology from several cultures. My main point is that When I saw the Passion I saw it for what it was, a well made adaptation of the story as it had been written. Religion truly has no place in the intellectually advanced society of today. Fear should never be an incentive for treating yourself and others well. When a religion mandates that you follow without question, it really screams “we don’t want you to ask questions because you are easier to control this way.” When you are taught to feel guilt for having instinctive attractions to another, just because you are committed to another thats ridiculous we are not much different from other animals, when we see food we feel hunger, when we smell danger we try to evade it, when we see another sexually compatible being we feel attracted, this is natural, and repression of such urges is simply not healthy. People need to stop believing in gods, heroes, and afterlife fantasy lands and start believing in themselves and each other so that they can live productive lives in the now. I could go on longer, but I feel I’ve said enough for now…enjoy the film when they eventually make it ;)

    1. Didn’t you just contradict yourself… First you say we are all too smart to believe in god… Then you compare us to animals that have no thought process and relay on instinct alone. I’d like to think my logical thinking would allow me to make decisions that would not allow to hurt the people around me. Also I would like to think unlike animals that I have self control. Isn’t that what sets us apart in the first place. Why do people always look for excuses to do whatever they want? Just because you want it doesn’t mean it’s good for you, but who am I to judge? I just feel bad for the people like me who do think of others before themselves. It seems like more and more people only think of themselves. I wonder where this will lead us all eventually ?
      Good luck

  3. Well, the movie isn’t even out yet, and there’s a bunch of controversy. Easy people. Let’s not forget ONE simple thing: Life is about experience, and everyone’s experience is different. Your biblical version of Mary may not be the same as mine, even though we may have been taught by the same basic principle. Wait to see what the story is about/like, and judge it for what it is: a person’s vision of events. There is no truth that we can know but our own.

  4. FYI. The Immaculate Conception is not when Jesus was concieved. The Immaculate Conception is Mary. SHe is the “new eve” who is concieved without origical sin. She is concieved immaculately. She is the “new ark of the covenant” a pure vessel into which the Son of God is concieved.

    I find it offensive that and a sign of religious bigotry that Sharon would use the phrase “I want to know how Mary got knocked up with Christ”.


  5. Well. Even though I’m not religous and find the bible somewhat flawed, there still are some good stories in there. This could be one of them. I would see it as a rental. As long as they don’t actually show a scene of Mary/Myriam/Miriam having sex with the holy spirit. That would be ridiculous. I was once told by a muslim that they also have Mary in the koran as Miriam, but they don’t believe she was a virgin. So it could be interesting weather to see if they go with the bible or koran version of the story. And how much they make up to fill out the “missing” years of her life, before being touched by God (pun intended) ;)

  6. At first I was going to question the idea of “making it contreversial’. But then, another idea came to me: not even the faithful turned out for the ‘Nativity’ movie a few months ago. I remember that ten some years ago, we had ‘Mary, Mother Of Jesus’ (Christian Bale as Jesus) and a ‘Jesus’ miniseries on TV (Gary Oldman as Pilate). We also were treated to that stinker Judas film on TV…and the animated thing.

    While Mel’s Passion” was around, so was “Gospel Of John”…

    While I’m not saying I’m overwhelmed, I do think there’s one too many. I think there’s many untapped biblical stories in terms of dramatization; I’d be more thrilled if TNT started up doing thier TV movies/miniseries based on the Bible again. I don’t mind Jesus/Mary themed films…but unless you are preaching to the choir, there really isn’t much point but one: to share the Good News. But if the intent is to “offend” and cause “contreversy”–then there IS no point at all.

  7. It is not a story that is told often because there aren’t much informations about what happened to her before she gave birth to Jesus. So, the authors of the story will be able to tell whatever they want without any proof. So to me, it will just be religious propaganda…

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