Visual Effects Oscar Narrowed to List of 7

Davy-Jones-PiratesSince I worked in the visual effect industry for a number of years, I’m always fascinated by the art and what these magicians are able to do. The short list of nominees for the Best Visual Effects Oscar has come out. The seven films still standing at this point are:

1) Casino Royale Amazing film, but I don’t see it happening

2) Eragon Despite what some people are saying, the visual effects in this film are amazing and very well done. This film WILL make the final nominees list… but it won’t win.

3) Night at the Museum Haven’t seen it yet, but I’ve already been impressed by some of the effects shots I’ve seen. Could make the final list

4) Pirate of the Caribbean 2 Hands down and beyond all doubt this is the best VFX film of the year. Nothing else on the list stands a chance against this film. Davy Jones is the single greatest achievement in VFX history… blows the socks of off Gollum (although Gollum is a better character).

5) Poseidon The movie wasn’t as bad as some people made it out to be… but the effects weren’t mind blowing

6) Superman Returns A fantastic film with some fantastic effects. It won’t win, but it might make the list

7) X-Men 3 Won’t win, but it’ll be between this and Superman for the 3rd and final spot on the final nominees list.

So there you have it. Of the films on that list… what 3 do YOU think will make the final nominees list for Oscar night? Which one do you think should win?

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8 thoughts on “Visual Effects Oscar Narrowed to List of 7

  1. The admission that leaps to my mind right away is The Fountain. No matter how much you hate plot or the acting, you have to admit that the visual effects were definately one of the best this year. I have no idea why the academy chose to remain blind to this visual feast.

  2. Who knows, really. They screwed the pooch last year (you know what film I mean…hint…it had someone named Lucas directing it)

    But I think a common misconception is not the quanity of effects, but the quality of them; and not every effect *has* to be CGI.

    “Pirates” is in. No question there—besides, I might not even be stunned if Bill Nighty gets a supporting actor nomination (a longshot, but what the hell). In addition, the quality is top notch, it serves the story.

    I agree about Poseidon; and I don’t think ‘Superman’ will make it either. {although both could be up for other techs, such as sound and sound FX editing) X-Men: you know, I have to be hardcore here. As much as I found the film to be a delight, are the FX better than X2? No. In fact, X2 didn’t make the cut in 03. That’s something to think about.

    This leaves: Casino, Eargon and Night. The latter two will be fresh in people’s minds. Night Of The Museum will be more popular. That’ll be number two.

    But Casino Royale will be the third film. Here’s why: the visual effects are so good you don’t know that where the effects are and where they are not. Once again, keep in mind that it *isn’t* just about CGI. It encompasses all visual effects. It’s clear that Pirates and Supey has more CGI FX shots than most of the other films. Pirates will be the favorite, and there will be little suspense involved (hell, just give it to them and shave off ten minutes of the telecast!)

    Now, for omissions.

    *Slither [cross your fingers for makeup, though)

    *Pan’s Labryrith

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