Questions for the Audio Edition’s 200th Episode

Hey there guys… well we just had the 2nd anniversary of the Audio Edition… and now on Monday, we’re going to celebrate the 200th episode! So here’s what I need from you guys.

1) Please send us topics (either by email or in the comments section) you’d like to hear us talk about.

2) Send in your questions for us… they can be about anything… for any one of us… about movies… the Audio Eidtion itself… whatever.

So there you go guys, help us out and be part of our 200th installment of the show. The Round Table will consist of Doug, Bruxy, Serena and obivously myself.

(PS. Sorry for my lack of other posts today, but I’m basically in the theaters all day).

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35 thoughts on “Questions for the Audio Edition’s 200th Episode

  1. Man, Shane, I have thought about Nagy’s and Tarantino’s voice every time I hear him on the AE. Good Question.

    On the Whole Christian movie topic that has come up, I think part of Mel Gibson’s success was his grassroots marketing to churches. As early as a year before The Passion was released, Gibson had screened footage, went and talked to ministers, received feedback from church leaders, taken it and adjusted the film. He personally made sure that those who had greater education on the subject, both theologically and historically, felt the movie was accurate. These educators, ministers, etc, then told their congregation about the movie, the movie became the thing to talk about in the church, and many churchgoing sheep (and I don’t mean that negatively, that is a Biblically accurate description)followed their shepherd’s instruction to see the film becuase of its accuracy and intent.

    This type of marketing allowed Gibson to get 60 year-olds who had never seen a movie, thinking it was a sin, to go to an R-Rated picture on the grounds that would be a viable spiritaul experience approved by their ministers. This type of marketing has not been replicated or even attempted since the Passion, and that is why these other movies can’t make it. The Christian market, as a demographic, depends upon the approval and direction of authority figures to rally and support a film as a group.

    As for it being nothing but violence, I watched the movie from a Christian perspective. I don’t want to get into a theological discussion, but I feel it important to give some context for this movie’s violence. Froma Christian Standpoint, Jesus Christ of Nazareth was God in the flesh, and he could at any time have killed his detractors and enemies. He could have destroyed them, he could have destroyed the world and started life from scratch, but he chose to accept the punishment of torment and torture in order to pay the price for the sins of mankind. So, from a Christian Point-of-view, we watch this film, we see our savior, the man who rescued us from eternal damnation, as he takes the punishment we deserve for all the sinful things we do. To me, as a believer, this made Jesus the ultimate hero, because the film showed that while he could have fought and easily won, while he could have taken any other path, he chose to accept punishment in our place, so that our souls would not be sent to hell.

    Again, I’m not trying to get into any theological arguments over this, and I apologize if the above explantion was too evangelistic or individuals ready have found my explanation inappropriate. My intent was simply to give context for the film’s importance to the individuals who primarily went to see it.

  2. This is a question for Doug Nagy. Please forgive me if this question has been asked/answered before.

    Has Doug’s voice ever been confused with Quentin Tarantino’s?
    They sound alot alike.

    It’s not good or bad, just an observation.

    I can’t wait to hear the 200th Audio Edition!!

  3. My questions:

    1. Was there ever a point in Audio Edition history where you were ready to just pack up the whole enterprise? I’m guessing when Doug announced he was leaving the show, you must have thought it was the beginning of the end…

    2. In terms of angry hate-mail, what would the ‘top 5’ most controversial Audio Edition moments be? (I’m guessing the infamous Christopher Reeves horse thing will be pretty near the top…)

    3. Will Doug jump into another of his impromptu songs in celebration of this bicentennial edition?

  4. The Christian community also has Chuck Norris!


    The films of old (Ben Hur, Ten Commandments, Greatest Story…) had a respect of faith and religion, and were epic on grand scales. I’d even go far as to say Mel’s ‘Passion’ was on an epic scale and told in a slightly different way in ancient tongues. The main reason why ‘Nativity’ failed is due to a lack of awareness.

    As far as ‘Christian made’ films are concerned, it’s my belief that while the heart is in the right place, and the struggles of the spirit are depicted/characters becoming ‘saved’ can be a boost to some Christians ego system, the bottom line is most stuff is sanitized for fear of who they might offend- especially those in thier own ranks.

    And I would like Bruxy’s thoughts on Peter LaLonde’s productions and even the Left Behind pix, which only helps re-enforce that novels are better.

    (and that said, I hope more of Frank Perretti’s novels get filmed)

  5. Alfie…

    Hey I want to jump in on this. As a Christian I think that John brings up a great point about the fact that “a nice little christian movie” has been done a million times, and the “unsanitization” of The Passion really apeals to it.

    Also the idea that the crucifixion of Jesus is the climax of the story and the whole basis of Christianity as a whole has a lot to do with it too.

    There are some other things at work there to. First there are a lot more Christians than you would expect that want to watch movie about Jesus, or the bible in general that are exciting and good, as opposed to the whole happy crap that has been made for years. I think that is why movies like The 10 Commandments, Ben Hur and such did so well back in the day. They were exciting and fun, and when we go to a movie that is what we all want regaurless of religion. Not that the Passion was “fun” but it was a “real” film, it was well made, well acted (for the acting that was done), it didn’t pull punches with the violence, and honestly it didn’t give a shit what the christian community thought about it.

    The other big thing that I think is at work is that Christians love celebrity. The American evangelical movement is huge into, for lack of a better term, exploiting celebrity converts. Anyone that has any kind of minor fame is paraded for all to see. Ohhhh look at Stephen Baldwin and his Christian Skateboard ministry, Ahhhh the guitarist from Korn came to Jesus let’s talk about it in church. With this kind of mentality this is the first A list celeb (at least in my 28 years) that has made movie about Jesus, that he bank rolled, promoted, went on TV to talk about, and made exciting. That is like a evangelical wet dream.

    those are my oppinions. Now I want to know what Bruxy has to say about shitty Christian pseudo horror movies… :P

  6. I totally appreciate your answer john but the problem for me is while I can appreciate that gibson didn’t pussyfoot around..he didn’t sanitise it…..he showed it as it “supposedly” happened…thats fine but that is all there was to the film.

    I don’t like the film because I think if you take the violence out of thast film what are left with? Nothing. There was nothing else to that film. It was 2 hours of torture. So that was the films point…o.k. fair enough but to me that just makes it explotation at the level of a 70’s drive-in flick. If it had something else to say or something else to it outside of the relentless beating and torture then i wouldn’t feel the way I do about the film but aprat from that hokey bald devil the film had nothing. thats just me though. Take the violence away you are left with a very boring film with nothing to say.

    I mean I liked schindlers list but if had just been 3 hours of nothing but Jews being killed with nothing else happening apart from close ups of the tortures they went through I wouldn’t like that film either.

    At least Jesus Christ Superstar which covers the same time period gives a song and dance!!

  7. I 3rd the 2 hour show.

    Q: How did you (John) meet Daren and Doug and Jesse and Bruxy and what made you go ‘hmm he’s cool maybe I’ll hang out with him’? Any stories about that?

    Q: What is going on with the ‘Video’ AE? Any plans to start it up soon, or at all?

    Q: If you have to choose any movie stars to give you a rectal exam, which would it be? (Question applies to all present).

  8. I’m with Kristina, you guys should discuss the best and worst films you seen in 2006. Perhaps create a list of favorite films for each genre….favorite sci-fi, horror, fantast, animation etc.

    Another topic you can discuss is your top 10 most anticipated films for 2007.

  9. My question is for everyone:

    How did the movieblog and doing the AE change your lives and if the movieblog never existed were do you think you would be now? Forexample would Doug be doing the nagical radio if it werent for themovieblog.

  10. Well, since it’s getting to be the end of the year, why not do a wrap-up of the year’s best and worst flicks?

    And I’ve got a question…..if you could change one thing, anything about the entertainment industry, what would it be and why?

  11. Hey Alfie,

    RE: Passion of the Christ.

    The reason is that a “nice little film” about the birth or even life of Jesus has been done 1000 times. The death of Jesus is actually a KEY theological element to the Christain belief. What Jesus (according to Christian belief) suffered, what he was willing to endure and go through for the sake of humanity can’t be fully appreciated if Hollywood just pretties it up, sanitizes it and puts a false “safty” on it.

    Historically what Romans did to political enemies was mind numbingly violent.

    My question is why so many people look down on Passion of the Christ so negativly for not compromising on the historical aspect of what Jesus went through… but would blast Hollywood if they sanitized some other project.

    Anyway, that’s a quick shallow answer to the good deep question you raise. At least from my point of view.

  12. Gabriel I just read your question to bruxy. I know you probably don’t give a shit what i think but I find it odd that the nativity story bombed really badly pretty when it is actually telling a positive story..a nice film about the literal birth of christ yet a violent blood thirsty relentlessly vile film like the passion about christs death was a huge success with christians mobilising the base in gigantic numbers to go and see it…yet a nice little film with little to no violence gets a resounding “meh” from the christian community. I find that very odd .I am not trying to be antagonistic to christians – I just have no real understanding of the way they think and I would love for someone with a better understanding to explain to me why they would appear to be more interested in his brutal torture and death than his birth.
    Not that I expected the nativity story to do anywhere near the same business as passion. Mel gibson is a huge factor of course and it had a hell of a lot more publicity but I was surprised it tanked so badly.

  13. not a question as such but one thing I think you need to try and do as often as possible in the new year is more actual movie reviews.

    This isn’t a dig at you or the show but so many times you have a topic about why such and such bombed and then you go around the group none of you have seen the film.

    I know it all comes down to time etc etc but when you are discussing the BO performance of a film it would pay to have someone on the panel see the film you chose to discuss. The discussions of why something bombed are fine but I think it would be much better if you have actually seen the film you are talking about. At least one of you.

    and I believe that job should fall on the founder and editor of the movie blog…..

  14. My question: How has doing the show effected each of you individually? What has it changed about your lives, the things you do, even the movies you watch?

    And for Bruxy, what is your opinion on the current state of the “Christian” movie industry, espcially their attempts at making horror/thriller titles (ala The Visitation, and the Ted Dekker book they are making into a movie)?

    I will second the two hour show!

  15. Actually five questions.

    1) As alluded to above, Thursday’s AE was missing. If it’s up tonight. Fine BUT if I’m not mistaken you are still off by a podcast. Remember earlier this year when there was a tech problem and the recorded episode (a midweek one) went bye-bye, but you never changed the numbers in order to keep sequence? So, in other words, if here is no AE tonight (or Saturday) then you are actually two AEs behind…sort of.

    2) Since you brought in a mid-week AE again, is it possible to have a mailbag in that AE podcast? There might even be a question for Jesse Boner at one point. It might even be interesting to hear a Doug/Jesse back and forth in an AE (with you John) in the near future.

    3) What movie franchise would you like to see revived that isn’t already being worked on, such as, say another Invasion Of The Body Snatchers movie

    4) If Serena and Sharon took the Pillow Fight Girls in a match, who would win?

    5) If you can’t get the okay on the Third Film at your Food4Fest, should the Third Film be the third runner up in the poll (Army Of Darkness) or the Pillow Fight Girls video?

    Hey, don’t gimmie that look…you posted…I asked.

  16. John a while back on one of your mailbag editions you got asked a question regarding Superman’s son. This person asked you if you think that the only reason Bryan Singer introduced this kid in the movie, was so that he could kill him off in the follow up to Superman Returns. Thereby giving Superman something to really greive over, and
    at the same time lead him on a path to seek vengence against those
    responsible. It would be cool if you could give us your feedback
    regarding this question.

    Sincerly, Jeff

  17. Congrats guys, love the AE, I resisted for the longest time since stumbling onto your site thinking, “an audio edition? (insert fart sound here)” but I was instantly hooked when I listened to my first podacst, the dynamic between John and Doug is just priceless. I mean you make me cringe and feel awful for listening sometimes, but thats the fun of it. Darren and Bruxy bring it all full circle with a very broad range of opinion and differing points of view, its very easy for anyone to relate with at least one of you. Its just good radio…er internet…whatever it is, its good.

    Question: well more of a suggestion, have you guys ever thought of sending a tape of an AE to HBO or something? I could see sort of a hour long round table show on tv, late night, of you guys just doing your thing. A nice monologue from John, followed by all you guys sitting around a table or some nice HBO set and discussing any number of topics, maybe Doug hits the streets and interviews some poor helpless unknowing strangers for a little taped segment, special guests etc. I can seriously see this kind of a project succeeding. There is nothing really like it out there and you would have a built in audience.

  18. Do directors already know if their movie is shit? Are they just happy to get work? How can a studio put out so much money and lure someone to direct crap which puts their career into the crapper? It’s very sad when directors sign up to do a movie which he/she knows is going to bomb. I can see new directors fresh out of college directing crap, but not seasoned ones. Why do studios greenlight something that frustrates audiences when the budget could of been put to a better use?

  19. Lou Sytsma has you there John. Without a Thursday AE you will only be at 199 on Monday.

    Question 1: John, where do you think you would be today without The Movie Blog?

    Question 2: All of you, what do you think is the stupidist thing you have said on the AE? Definetly looking your way Doug…

    Question 3: All of you, movie star that you would most like to meet?

    Question 4: Serena, as one of the only girls on AE… how many perverted/funny/sad e-mails do you get from guys who heard you on AE?

    Last Question: Doug, Serena, and Bruxy… has John’s ego swelled since the site has become so popular?


  20. This isn’t really a movie related question, but I was wondering this about Bruxy.

    I was at the Movie Blog Myspace page the other day, I clicked on your profile and viewed your pics. There is a really cool picture of you with your wife, she’s in a wedding dress, and you’re pushing her in a shopping cart.

    My question is: Is there a store in Canada where they sell beautiful women like that? I’ve been wanting another reason to visit again.

    My second question is: Whats the story with that photo?

  21. Where was 199? I thought last Monday was 198.

    Question for the show for all: Now that all of you have been participating in the Movie Blog AE for awhile, has the experience changed how you watch a movie?

    If so, has the change been for the better, worse, or just different.

    Thanks, congrats to all and keep up the good work for, well, the best damned movie related podcast on the internet.

  22. Can you discuss the documentary “Metal: A Headbanger’s Journey”? I loved this documentary, and thought it did an excellent job tracing the roots of metal through all the different genres that exist today. I’d be interested in hearing your thoughts/opinions/comments on this great documentary.

  23. My question for the 200th episode would be this:

    What is your long-term vision for this very successful website, and would you eventually want to expand it into a larger enterprise.

  24. John,

    Just a suggestion, but to help celebrate the 200th episode, why not do a 2 hour podcast? Myself, along with probably everyone else here, could listen to you guys go on forever ;)


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