Movies for the Films 4 Food Fest

Films-4-Food-FestHey there guys, as you all know, the first Films 4 Food Fest is coming up Saturday January 20th here in Hamilton Ontario. I expect you all to show up. Book your flights now. :)

Ok, one of the events is obviously us all sitting down and watching some fun flicks together. There will be 3 films in total (on top of the recording of the “live” Audio Edition, the interactice panel discussion, comedy with Doug Nagy and Jesse Bonner and the VIP after party). The question is… what 3 films?

Here are a list of possible movies. Select 3, then go into the comments section and suggest 1 or 2 more. I’ll take the top 4 from the survey, and then add 4 more that get suggested in the comments section in a couple of days and have another survey. The top 2 films will be selected for the fest… and I’ll pick the 3rh one myself. Sound good? Ok, so here is your first list of possible movies to watch together at the fest…

PICK 3 OF THEM (If you pick more than 3 the vote won’t work) AND THEN SUGGEST A COUPLE MORE IN THE COMMENTS SECTION!

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36 thoughts on “Movies for the Films 4 Food Fest

  1. oh and i saw 11:15 great indie film, cool story, you’ll like it. the way the story unfolded itself is cool. one of the best sleeper films since brick (criminally underrated)

  2. clerks 1…part 2 sucked so much it pissed me off
    sympathy for mr.vengeance- almost better than oldboy…almost
    spiderman 2
    dark city
    shaun of the dead

    any of those would be great, john please dont tell me you liked clerks 2 and dot tell me you haven’t saw sympathy for mr. vengeance, that movie was fuckin insane!

  3. Not to suggest That I am not equally guilty, but I love how John says to suggest 1 or 2 more movies in the comments, and most comments have has more than 2 movies. Oh well, to add to my list, I will throw in the suggestion of Monty Python and the Holy Grail.

  4. A bit more unconventional:

    “The Iron Giant”
    “Renegade” (aka Blueberry)
    “A Tale of Two Sisters”
    “Funky Forest”
    “Behind the Mask” – if you could ask Scott Glosserman for a screener copy….he might go for it for charity.

  5. Tapehead – Darren you Rule!

    Other fine ‘crowd-pleaser’ films would be:


    “Adam’s Apples” – Hey, work in the religion for Mr. Cavey and it stars the recent BOND VILLAIN, Mads Mikkleson!

    “Kiss, Kiss, Bang, Bang”
    “True Romance”
    “The Big Lebowski”

  6. Lou, simply put, you have to please all comers, and Star Wars or Indy films are for the the crowds that might not go for Battle Royal or Shawshank.

    NOT to say that they won’t enjoy Battle Royal or Shawshank, but those two movies might not be what is encouraging them to be there.

    I wouldn’t be surprised if a SW, IJ, PotC, or something as simple as an ET ended up on the list because a widely enjoyed movie on a big screen will surely draw people, regardless of if it ranks high on anyone’s pretentious scale.

    Hmm. ET might be cool on a big screen, but I swear if they’re holding walkietalkies instead of guns, riot will ensue.

  7. Battle Royale – yes. Never have seen it.

    2nd Choice
    The Shawshank Redemption

    3rd Choice – should be an older classic
    OR a newer classic
    The Incredibles

    Let’s stay away from the SW, Indy pictures please.

  8. Geez, playing it safe with these initial suggestions, are we? Star Wars? What, no Star Trek or Harry Potter?

    Hey, John, anyone ever remarked on your remarkable resemblance to Casey Siemaszko? I just saw an early episode of Amazing Stories, and every time they showed him, I expected to see Nagy pop up over his shoulder and scream some tired joke that ended with the word “cock”.

  9. I think nobody suggested Raiders because the guys did audio commentary for it so they’ve kind of said what they want to say about the film.

    Yeah, ‘Shawshank Redemption’ would be a great choice too.

  10. Guys, wouldn’t you rather pick a movie that you weren’t able to see in theatres in the past couple years?

    1. Raiders of the Lost Ark
    This would be AMAZING to see on the big screen. No question. Why hasn’t anyone suggested it?

    2. The Professional (or Leon, whichever title you prefer)

    3. Army of Darkness (I second this!)

  11. I feel a little strange suggesting movies for a fest that i can’t attend but i second Batman Begins.

    I would also suggest Indy and the temple of doom, Transformers the movie, Superman the movie (or Superman II: the Richard Donner cut), Star Trek II, Aliens, The Incredibles, or Robocop.

  12. I’m really surprised that SHAUN OF THE DEAD wasn’t on that poll. A great, fun story, that you can watched again and again.

    Another that would be sweet to watch in a large group is Batman Begins.

    There would be a lot of great post-movie discussion on these two movies. Cant wait for the 20th!!!

  13. Ah hell. I forgot my additional selections. I am going the foreign route on this one.
    “Calvaire (The Ordeal)” – Imagine Deliverance, but more desparate.
    “A Tale Of Two Sisters” – A gorgeous film.
    “The Descent” – I can’t say enough about it.

  14. I have to admit to not seeing 2 out of the 3 movies I had selected but man, I would watch Battle Royale again and again and again. I enjoyed the second Battle Royale a little bit but for different reasons. The director fails to capture the essence of what his father began with the first film. That being said, John, I highly recommend the book. It provides a little more insight into the characters motivation and is thicker in plot. You can pick it up in any bookstore nowadays.

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