23 thoughts on “Pirates 3 Image

  1. What’s up John good looking out on the Pirates 3 images, love your work, love the Pod cast, I bump that ish at work every Tuesday morning. But Yo, I got to clear the air on the whole Pirates Vs Ninja thing: I did a lot of oriental readings, and a lot of peeps don’t know that the most ruthless pirates in that region came & were based in the Oriental waters. Yes John they were more bad ass then both coasts of the Atlantic.

  2. everyone else tiptoeing that the next movie might be P vs. N but I’m just going to say it.

    The next movie WILL be Prirates VS. Ninjas!!

    This is how rumors get started by the way.

  3. You are NOT the only one. I fucking hated it, but Disney, those tricky bastards, they’ve forced me to see the third one just by the way number 2 ended. Bastards!

  4. I ACTUALLY think that frankwolftown is probably right!

    So far I THINK that they have to go to Asia.

    They will probably fight ninjas whether or not it comes from the whole pirate vs ninja thing. But if they got that kind of chance, I don’t think they would pass it up.

    Think Juggernaut in X3. (…Bitch!)

  5. I was very disappointed by the story/acting/ending/love story/Jack Sparrow in the second movie and I’m not really looking forward to the third. At this point, I’ll probably wait for DVD unless the trailers are able to get me excited about the franchise again.


  6. Jenny If you’re wondering why she ‘s dressed like that go here they mention it in the link in this post. I read some of the proto-script it seemed preety good.

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