Fox is So Excited About the PS3, The X-Men are Getting Pre-mature Releasing.

3ps3.jpgI’m excited about posting this even just for the game-fan’s comments that’ll ensue. You see, anyone worth their salt in “Internet buzz” knows the Nintendo Wii is the system to watch. Oh sure, the PS3 will be great and all, but those same people I mentioned know all too well, the myriad of marketing screw ups Sony has committed so far with their system that isn’t even out yet.

However, 20th Century Fox’s faith in the PS3 is still pretty strong. Determined to beat the flood of parent’s money being spent on PS3’s on November 17th, Fox is rush-releasing the Blu-Ray version of X-Men 3 to be out on the 14th. Frankly, I think this is a little bit of a panic over nothing. Not saying the PS3 won’t sell, because it will – but just look at marketing.. 1) 6 million normal DVDs of X-Men 3 have already been sold. – I highly doubt 1 million are “holding out” to get the blu-ray version. 2) Especially since ..oh.. let’s make a rough guess of 100% of the first things anyone will do with the PS3 will be play games, I’m guessing “watching a movie” will rank 5th or 6th on the priority list of things to do once they get their new console. And since #4 is “Upgrade to a 6000 buck theatre system so I can’ appreciate the PS3’s capabilities”, I don’t think the need to RUSH the Blu-Ray Xmen 3 DVD is that important. Besides, I only knew 3 people out of all the PS2 owners I’ve met, who actually used their PS2 as their sole DVD player.

That, combined with the fact that I really, deeply, truly hope the Blu-Ray flops just makes it seem silly. As far as I’m concerned, Sony can keep the Blu-Ray for the PS3’s format and go retarded with it. Knock yourself out. Everything else you make is Exclusively Sony anyway, so hey – the Blu-Ray is all yours – But if you’re hoping to make me buy nothing but Blu-Ray dvds 3 years from now, I’ll be rather, as Prince Humperdink would say, Put Out.

Your 42 dollar, Blu-Ray, Xmen 3 DVD will be available on the 14th is all I’m saying. Basically.

Source: Yahoo News.

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21 thoughts on “Fox is So Excited About the PS3, The X-Men are Getting Pre-mature Releasing.

  1. You need to come over to my house then. HD isn’t just a noticable improvement, it’s a remarkable one. Some programs almost look as if you are looking out a window. You sound as if you are describing non-HD content on an HD monitor because it’s true, analog content often does look worse on an HDTV.

  2. RE: HD Video

    I do indeed not own an HD TV however I have had some experience with HD video and signal at work. I work for a television station and we simulcast HD, SD, and Analog signals. Even side by side I fail to see a signifigant improvement in video quality other than the HD is occasionally in Letterbox format during Prime. There are times when the HD actually looks worse because instead of looking slightly fuzzy when distorted it looks slightly pixilated.

  3. Inevitablely i will eventually buy a ps3 but not for blue-ray. I mean yes it will have bd but i dont care for that. Also if i was fox i would be slightly worried that blueray is probably going to fail. With 6 million 360 and the Hd-dvd add on that would seem alot more profitable than the 400,000 ps3 that are coming out.

    did that make sence

  4. that lameass move is so typical of Fony. not suprised at all. i hope that both blu-ray & even HD dvd die a similar death like Fony’s mini-disc & the DCC cassette. i remember they tried 3 times during the 90s to push that crap on the public. didnt work as everybody was still just upgrading their cassettes & lps to regular cd. the same can be said now of the majority embracing dvd from video. only ones who seem to be biting are the tech fanboys & those who suffer from i-wanna-be-first-on-my-block syndrome.

  5. Ash1138 the price for the ps3 is $549 cdn and $659 cnd and the xbox is $399 cnd and $499 cnd and the addon is $199 cnd so with the xbox no u r not getting a better deal,
    but ya you r right with sony sticking you with a blu-ray player but u r almost getting it for free maybe 50 to a 10o dollars but i really think the ps3 woulda cost close to the same anyway, could be wrong on that tho

  6. RamenJunkie: You speak like someone who doesn’t yet own an HDTV or if so a small one. I don’t know about you, but I and just about everyone I know bought DVDs because of quality not chapter skipping. To be honest the main reason I didn’t by VHS was you could almost never get movies in widescreen (until after DVD came out) and the picture quality was noticably poor on large screens. DVD fixed both those issues.

    I have a 55″ HDTV and I can’t watch VHS on it; it looks so terrible. Even DVD which you claim is good enough is not. That’s why I had to buy an upconverting player. Once you watch HDTV, it’s really hard to go back. Even with a top of the line upconverting DVD player, a movie will come on HBO-HD now and then that I own already and I’ll sit watching it, drooling. Believe me, I’d MUCH rather be buying movies on HD-DVD or BluRay, but I’m not about to support this crappy attempt at gouging consumers. When one format emerges victorious and prices come down to reason I’ll jump on board.

    Alex: You do realize that you don’t have to buy that add-on for the XBox don’t you? Even at $100 you are still paying $200 less than a PS3. I don’t understand how that’s a rip-off. Especially since you can buy any wireless adapter you want. Me? I already own a wireless bridge so when I get a 360 I don’t have to buy one. Sony is charging you regardless whether you want it or not. That’s the definition of rip-off.

  7. Ya no one uses there ps2’s or x-box for there primary dvd player any more but when the ps2 came out in 2000 almost all the people i knew including me used it for a dvd player,
    so i think it will be much of the same for the ps3’s blu-ray player, but do i think people are going to go out and by a $1000 dollar blu-ray player? no, but if the ps3 sells as many units as the ps2 (i think around 100 million) there will be many chances for people to buy the movies and take the hit for the high prices, we all know that if blu rays sell well the movies will cost the same as dvd’s cost now, and now with the everything having to be broadcasted in hd in a few years a lot more people will have hi def tv’s and will want hi def programing including the movies they buy, And the extra storage blu-rays have will also be move conviant for other uses

  8. I am definitely getting a PS3 (WHEN IT DROPS INTO MY PRICE RANGE), but I hope they loose some of their market share to the competition. If you ask me they’ve gotten really big-headed.

  9. the $100 difference is becuase the cheaper one has a 20 gig harddrive and the expensive one has 60 gigs. And if i am not mstaken the cheaper one doesn’t have memorycardslots

  10. Hey Ash1138 I was comparing the add-ons for 360, which is a rip-off, I actually have no idea how much wifi costs for computers. Infact i have no idea why im talking about comparing the 360 to the ps3. I guess I got caught up in all the ps3 news since the release is this month, but nothing has really caught my attention with the wii(aside from zelda) and the recent south park episode.

  11. I agree with Ash1138 about the VHS/Beta thing to some extent. The problem with this analogy is that it doesn’t consider the existing DVD format. I personally don’t see a need at all to upgrade. The quality of my DVDs is already good enough.

    DVD to VHS worked because DVDs added durability and the ability to skip by chapters as well as have self contained “bonus features”. The fact that they look nicer is a bonus really. The same analogy can be made for Cassettes vs CD audio. Now Audio is moving to Digital, which is essentially single tracks which makes mixing your own track lists a breeze. IE a huge benefit. Also ease of transport and they take up essentially zero space.

    DVD vs DVD2.0 just comes off as pointless and lame. The only benefit really is the quality. Maybe TV seasons can all fit on one disc now instead of snazzy multi disc boxed sets. They can cram more extras on there (I hardly watch the bonus features anyway). What I’m saying is, there isn’t any signifiganct new “convience” factor. In fact it’s wholey inconvenient because it’s trying to make my current DVDs, DVD player, TV, etc, obsolete.

  12. This should not have been put up here. At least not in the way it is. Nothing more than a bunch of Nintendo fanboys clamouring around a gamecube with a new controller and bashing the PS3 even though it wiped the floor with them last time, not to mention the Xbox that came out for the first time and beat Nintendo. The 360 is doing great right now and is ‘the system to watch’ in my opinion.

    So please, keep this out of a movie site, heaven knows there’s enough sites out there dedicated to system wars.

  13. Sorry to break it to you Alex, but wi-fi doesn’t cost over $100 unless you just like getting ripped off, and judging by your support of the PS3 it definitely sounds like you do. Personally, I’d MUCH rather have my console NOT have built in wi-fi and save that supposed $100. This way I can use my wireless bridge that I already own. Others may prefer to just use a wired connection if they are close enough to their modem/router.

    RE: BluRay. I hate it. It’s like the Beta/VHS wars all over again. Didn’t we learn anything back then? Sure Beta was better but it was controlled by Sony and VHS was more versatile. Same with BluRay and HD-DVD. Right now, it’s just an attempt at studios to charge more for the same movies (ironic since DVDs actually cost less than VHS which is the biggest reason sales of movies on video skyrocketed) and to get you to pay twice by not releasing the HD version of the film till months later. Wormwood is right, with 6-million sales of X3, it’s unlikely anyone is holding out for the BluRay which means that people who do end up buying it probably already bought it on DVD.

    If you have an HDTV, do yourself a favor and get a nice Samsung HD-950 upconverting DVD player. It’ll cost ya less than $200 and it’s top of the line (playing all DVD/DVD recordable formats as well as SA-CD and DVD Audio for audiophiles). It also comes with two HDMI cables (one is DVI adapter). It makes your DVDs look so much better. It’s not true HD, but when you think how you are saving a grand on the player plus $40 per movie (not counting the double dip) you’ll be happy. Plus TV shows which aren’t in HD look SO much better.

    I’m waiting a few years to see who wins the format war or if a new technology leapfrogs before I waste my money.

  14. Actually the HDMI output has nothing to with the 100 buck difference. The key difference between the two versions is that the 600 buck has a built-in wifi, which that alone is the cost over 100 bucks separately. Sorry to seem like a “sony fan” but I just want to clear that up. And heres the link to show the differences if you care, and judging from how you guys feel about the ps3 and all the Blue-Ray nonsense, you dont really care.;action;5

  15. there will be 400000 ps3 at launch in north america, and contrary what sony believes there won’t even be a million out by the end of the year. And this thing will win the format-war. Haha Fox is hilarious.

  16. Right you are – Changed.
    (My excuse was being on tour and therefore, out of it.)

    Although reading, I find it humourous that their reasoning for excluding it was “We thought folks would be frustrated paying for a feature they didn’t use, so we removed it.”
    Well, yeah, you removed the feature, but not the price: – now that they’ve INcluded it, the “cheaper” PS3 still costs the same. Oh Sony. You Slippery Bastards.

  17. I couldn’t agree more. This is definately jumping the gun for no reason. And I share your sentiments with the Wii – it’s going to be the winning console this year. Personally, I can’t wait to get my hands on the new Zelda. Either way, I’m not going to be investing in either Blu-Ray or HD-DVD this christmas but if I had to pick one, my money is on HD-DVD.

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