Rocky 6 Poster

The new poster for Rocky 6 (officially titles “Rocky Balboa”) has been released by the studio. And honestly, I really really really like it. It’s expresive and yet captures the feel of the whole franchise and where it is now. Beautiful job. The little tag at the top of the poster says “It ain’t over til it’s over”. Nice.


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11 thoughts on “Rocky 6 Poster

  1. This page by AOL Horoscopes gives an in depth look at another great character we all know to be-the one and only-Rocky Balboa. It pretty much gives some inside info. as to why Rocky is so awesome.

    Rocky Numerology

    What do you guys think?

  2. Thank you for the kind words, Burbanked. Kind words are among my most favourite types of words (swears being the other, of course).

    If any film executive types are reading this, I offer you all my fantastic movie ideas for free. I am particularly keen to see my Gollum’s Excellent Adventure idea on the big screen, so feel free to run with that one.

    Anyway, back to Burbanked. I agree with you on the ‘It ain’t over ’til it’s over’ thing. Not only is it a cliche, but it’s one of the most pointless and empty statements you can make. Of course it’s not over ’til it’s over! When else would it be over? Also, in case you were wondering, it’s not bacon unless it’s bacon.

    Mmmmm… bacon.

  3. I was at a packed house for “The Departed” yesterday when this trailer came up and there was a collective cheer from the crowd. Not as loud as the OMFG when the “300” trailer finished but pretty darn close.

  4. Okay, I get the Indy distinction you’ve made. Point taken.

    And BTW, I *don’t* think Indy IV is that great of an idea, and if they screw it up it’ll be a much, much bigger heartbreak than Rocky.

    Look, I know show business is all about the business and that quality isn’t usually the main motivating factor. I just wish that occasionally the studio or filmmakers or an actor would just say “No, we’re not going to do that sequel. The story is complete and we choose not to make a movie just for the money. To do so would be to cheat the fans and compromise what has come before, and that’s just not a good business model.”

    As you can see, I enjoy living in a fantasy world.

    But it happens all too often with sequels, and I guarantee you that Rocky Balboa – and hell, let’s throw Rambo in here, too – will come across as a kind of sad, thinly-veiled money-grab without quality or heart or intelligence behind it.

    And as long as we keep getting excited by well-worn cliches, lazy and tired one-sheet images and training montages set to throbbing soundtrack music, you’d better believe that the studios will keep throwing all that crap at the screen and rubbing their hands with glee as we swallow it down.

    Sometimes, as Henry Sr. tells Indy, we need to “just let it go.”

    *sigh* I am truly a dork.

  5. I’m excited for this movie, I’m a Rocky/Rambo fan. I’m an optimist. If the movie blows, then so be it, the only thing that doesn’t disappoint me is Rocky’s training. Ever since I was in highschool, Rocky workouts always pumped me up. So ya, nostalgia is bringing me back into the theater for this movie, because I can’t wait for the dvd. For all you negative people, hey, I get a better seat to watch this movie.

  6. Hey there Burbanked,

    Well… we obviously disagree on this topic… but that’s the beauty of movies isn’t it!

    As for Indy 4. I’ve never once said I was against it. Not at all. I’ve said over and over again that I find the idea of an aging Indiana Jones story to be really interesting. I’d love to see it.

    HOWEVER… what I DID say was that it WON’T happen. I’d love for it to… but it just isn’t going to happen, and i’v e grown tired of all the toying around both Spielberg and Lucas have done with the fans over it.



  7. I think that Black Steven’s idea for this movie is the damn funniest idea I’ve read in a while – and the fact is, I would absolutely see that movie.

    As for that poster, it’s awful, for a handful of reasons.

    1. It’s trying way too hard to be the original one-sheet which was iconic and romantic. This is a copy – not an homage, not a reimagining or any such crap.

    2. This poster falls into the trap of just about every Hollywood poster these days; it uses visual cues to treat us like morons. Oh, he’s in the rocky hat-and-sweats costume! Oh, he’s standing on the steps that he always runs up while the montage music is playing! Oh, his fist is raised in victory because he’s an underdog and everyone’s telling him he can’t do it! Oh, we feel comfortable with all of these familiar images so we will hand our money, lemming-like, over to the studio!

    3. “It ain’t over til it’s over.” is NOT nice. It’s silly and unintentionally ironic. Cliches are boring because they’re unoriginal and hackneyed. And, you know, cliched. This franchise was over several movies ago, and if anything I take this tagline as yet another jab at us dumb moviegoers: it’s the studio telling us, “No, we’ll be done making bad, ill-advised movies when you morons stop coming to them. So shut up and go because we know you will if we put well-worn platitudes on the poster and create an idiotic, nonsensical plot together in order to justify a further bastardization of a once-great movie property.”

    I’m shocked that anyone’s excited by this. And I’m amazed, John, that for someone who is completely against the idea of Indy IV as you are, that you’re entertaining thoughts that Rocky Balboa will be anything more than an absurd trip to a well that’s long gone dry.

  8. Stallone is stretching credibility pretty thin with this film. How we are expected to believe a man of ninety-seven who is 5 foot 2 and who has ONLY ONE ARM can win the heavyweight title is beyond me. I mean, I know the heavyweight scene is pretty shit right now, but even so…

    My hope is that the film is a tragedy of sorts, following a deluded, aging, brain-damaged old man as he is duped into fighting one last time by a group of Jackass-style pranksters. The entire third act of the film will be Rocky Balboa being beaten to death by the current champion while the Jackass types capture everything on camcorders. They will then post this on Youtube, obviously, and the closing titles will roll over images of the public logging on to the site and watching Rocky’s final moments, possibly while crying.

    It’s a comment on, like, the younger generation or somesuch.

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