Star Trek: Of Gods and Men trailer

A while back I posted up a story about Star Trek: Of Gods and Men. It’s a “fan film”. The reason i put that in quotes is because it’s not REALLY a fan film… but I don’t know what else to call it.

It’s directed by, and staring a ton of people from the cast of the various Star Trek incarnations. So what is it? I don’t know… but really… it’s not a “fan film”. But whatever.

Now, B gives me the heads up that a trailer for Star Trek: Of Gods and Men is up and online. For a pure fan film… it’s pretty good. But from all these people in “the industry”, I was sorta expecting more. Oh well. Take a look and decide for yourselves.

You can see the Star Trek: Of Gods and Men trailer here

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7 thoughts on “Star Trek: Of Gods and Men trailer

  1. It’s a fan film. A top-of-the-food-chain fan film but a fan film none the less that has to contend against all the pressures that beset it’s kind. As Doug Knapp, Director of photography on Voyager, said in an interview to The Press Republican, “It was guerilla film making. Just jump in and do it. We didn’t have some of the niceties we’re used to in studio production.”

    One advantage though to fan films is that you don’t have to respect the plastic platitudes of the average stencilled Hollywood project. You want to see Garret Wang as Harry Kim again? Go rent a DVD of Voyager. You want to see him try something that breaks his character mold? Keep watching!

  2. Dear God Make it stop! I was psyched when i first heard about this project…
    …until i realized there is a reason it stars Trek people NOT currently getting any work in the industry!

    I understand it’s a fan film, believe me, but it is extremely painful to watch Actors i used to know and love reduced to this!

    What the hell was that? When they said people in the industry involed with Trek were involved with this thing they weren’t talking about the Effects or costume department!

    At least Batman: Dead End(the best fan film out there) managed to get a hold of the “actual” costumes from the movie company.

    I can’t say anymore other than someone give Nichelle Nichols a job, Please!!!

  3. Looks cool. Kinda nice that cast members are making an on-line film for the fans. They’ll be some die-hards who will probably complain, but just lighten up and have some fun with this.

    Maybe Chekov can develop Psi Powers, he can form a force of psychics bent on taking over the federation (how does the Psi Corp sound)

    Uhura can open up an outer space Brothel and Janice Rand can be a high-priced call girl (I think Klingons would like an experienced woman, especially if she can handle a batleth).

    Sulu can come out of the closet (wow that would be a real shocker).

    Lets get William Shatner to direct (oops, went too far).

    I’m just hoping they have a lot of fun with this.

  4. Maybe its just me, maybe its just all the glorified action, but this movie looks a hell of a lot better than the last several that Paramount did. I wouldn’t mind seeing it when it comes out. Then I’ll make my final ruling.

  5. Looks like a fan film to me. Some of the Star Wars fan films are done really well too, but they are still fan films. Personally, I’m done with ST. They’ve not done anything refreshing since Next Generation and I think all of it is rehashed and boring.

    I’ve given up all hope on Star Wars now too. George Lucas has gone insane with his recent comments about Indiana Jones 4 and I just can’t come to grips with that.

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