Clerks 2 Commentary Killed

Clerks-2-CommentaryYou’ll recall a few months ago we posted that Kevin Smith had recorded an audio commentary track to Clerks 2, and was making available for download so you could listen to it on your MP3 palyer while watching Clerks 2 in the theater. FANTASTIC idea!

However, as some of you may have noticed, that MP3 has never been made available? Why? The good folks at JoBlo give us this:

Don’t blame Smith, the Weinsteins or iTunes – that deal was all locked up. It apparently was the grousing of exhibitors that soured the deal. Theatre owners felt that allowing some viewers to bring in outside devices (especially given that you’re expressly reminded to turn all such devices off before the movie starts) and allowing them to listen to a commentary that might have them laughing at otherwise silent parts of the movie might prove distracting to other viewers.

Ok, you know what… I think I actually agree with the theaters on this one.

I was really stoked about hearing the commentary track while watching the flick in the theaters… but they do raise a very good point. Here on The Movie Blog we’ve complained (and so have our commenters) a lot about various distractions and other annoyances in going to the theaters today. And I must admit, having a few people laughing out loud during a quiet moment in the film, or when a conversation was going on… probably would bug the hell out of me.

So even though I was really looking forward to this… I can totally understand the reasons for not allowing it. Damn!

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6 thoughts on “Clerks 2 Commentary Killed

  1. Would be a great point on their behalf, if it wasn’t for the fact that they continue to do nothing about the brain-dead idiots who can’t stop themselves from providing their own running commentaries on a film, and those who don’t turn off far more disruptive portable devices, like their phones.

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