New X-Men 3 Poster

X-Men-3-New-PosterAs the release date gets closer, my anticipation for X-Men 3 seems to be growing exponentially. This is bad news since I’m probably just setting myself up for disappointment. Oh well.

A new X-Men 3 poster has just hit the web. It’s an international poster and probably not one that will be used in North America, but personally I really like it. I especially like seeing Angel in the black leather X-uniform. The Golden Gate Bridge getting torn up in the background also looks pretty slick.

If you want to see a much larger version of the poster you can go see it here.

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17 thoughts on “New X-Men 3 Poster

  1. OH JESAbEL! this poster i would have to say is WEAK! i wish they would make something like the XMEN 2 poster with all the cast in it. WHY DID THEy NOT INCLUDE MISTIQUE, CALISTO, and ICE MAN IN ICE ARMOR! why must this always be the same xmen all the time? WHERE THE HELL ARE EMMA FROST AND COLOSSUS???? COMON PEOPLE! YOU KNOW HOW TO ATTRACT FANS WITH BIG NAME MOVIE STARS LIKE BERRY, WHO IS A BAD REPRESENTATION OF STORM, AND THE GREAT HUGH JACKMAN BUT NOT ADD THE IMPORTANT MUTANTS TO THE STORY? EMMA FROST!! WHERE IS SHE? AND COLOSSUS? THIS BETTER TURN INTO THE RECENT DAY COMIC SERIES WITH beast,wolverine,emma frost,colossus,shadowcat,and cyclops. SCREW BERRY! SHE DOESNT CONTRIBUTE TO THIS MOVIE! SHE IS SOFT SPOKEN AND SOFT, WHILE STORM IS POWERFUL AND HARD!!!!! overall, i wanna see emma frost turn into DIAMOND FORM and colossus into METAL and iceman into ICE ARMOR and magma into LAVA FORM and also wanna see PSYLOCKE with her purple laser knives!!!!!!!!!!>>>>PEACE: I LOVE XMEN: I HOPE THIS NEW DIRECTOR KNOWS HOW TO WORK THOSE XMEN!!!, make em FLY AND ICE SURF

  2. This poster is the ugliest peice of crap I’ve ever seen. And i also notice a lack of iceman on this, and instead i see shadowcat. Lame.

    About Halle Berry, this poster is from like, Germany or something. An overseas poster. They’re gonna have the biggest names on the poster, so halle gets put on. I’m sure they’ll change it to patrick Stewart or Ian McKellan in the US.

  3. isn’t everyone over reacting? this is a superhero movie – the poster looks great

    what’s all this dissing halle berry, she may have gone a bit ‘diva’ during x-men 3, but she is a great actress….

    & i would pay ¬£5 to see a bridge ‘get fucked up’

  4. Poster looks gay

    I will still see the movie in theatre, maybe not opening day(that many people breething in thre at the same time makes me fucking ill)

    I just hope Logan kicks some ass, more so than the first two films.

  5. There many things wrong w/ this poster.

    Halle Berry face! (stupid M******cker)
    Halle Berry’s name obove the poster instead of Sir McKellen! (bitch)
    Black leader uniforms are so gay! (Halle Berry ugly bitch)
    And no fricking GAMBIT.

    Though I’ll be in the opening day:p

  6. Now this is the reason why I plan to see X3 on the opening day:

    1)It will be my first X-Men film I’ll see on the big screen;

    2)It will open on Sunday, and nothing special happens on that day, so it makes a good oppertunity to watch it (if I can pass a large crowd; there are a lot of people on the 1st day [see: Silent Hill]);

    3)Good or total crap, I know I will have something to say about it, just like in Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith!

    Even though I hope for The Last Stand to be good, I like hearing people talk shit all over it. It makes a good debate, and I’ll end up either saying that I enjoyed it or that they were right all along. I may have paid a lot for the complete Star Wars movie saga, but I have enough time to earn enough for tickets and food.

    One last thing: I do hope Fox will release a DVD that contains a free ticket, it favors me (like in Spider-Man 2 and Peter Jackson’s King Kong). We’ll see what happens next.

  7. The poster isn’t really very amazing. I do hope the film will turn out well. I was a big fan of the first two and i just hope the film will still be good….

  8. As much as I am not a fan of Halle Berry (shes just hot, shitty actress), I dont think she’ll spoil the whole movie! If need be, Hugh Jackman, Ian McKellen and Patrick Stewart will carry the movie, to name but a few. Her name is on there to attract others who recognise her as “the woman who won that Oscar crying for her life” – Anyone who is an X-men fan or fan of the movie will not go to the movie just because Halle’s in it. Furthermore, I dont think any fan will be turned away because Halle’s in it…

  9. I don’t care for the movie really. The poster doesn’t do anything for me either. We’ve seen bridges being fucked up in War Of The Worlds already. I’m not paying ¬£6 to see a bridge get fucked up.

    There is one thing that induces nothing but absolute terror (or it would were I planning to see it): Halle Berry’s name above the title. Great. X-Men has become a Halle Berry movie. I like the first two, this is the main reason that I don’t wanna see this one. HALLE BERRY IS A SHITTY ACTRESS. Remember what happened when they tried to make her a co-star in a Bond film? She fucked the entire movie up. There’s some other problems with it, sure, little stab wounds, but Halle Berry was a fucking shotgun blast to the face of that movie. There ain’t no getting up after that.

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