Lindsay Lohan Wants To Be Wonder Woman

File this one under “Good heavens please don’t ever let this happen“. But according to the UK newspaper The Sun, it appears Lindsay Lohan is interested in playing Wonder Woman. I’m going to have trouble sleeping tonight.

“Wonder Woman would be cool. I’m trying to find roles right now that are different to anything I’ve done to show my abilities, to show that I have some sort of stretch in me. Because most of the things that I’ve done so far are aimed at younger girls and are light-hearted.”

Now remember, this is Lindsay Lohan saying this… not Joss Whedon or some studio exec. I have to believe that Whedon wouldn’t EVER allow this kind of casting to happen (at least I hope he wouldn’t). If this were to ever happen, the Wonder Woman project would instantly become a “stelth” project and magically vanish from everyone’s collective interest radar screen. At least it would disappear from mine. (via)

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42 thoughts on “Lindsay Lohan Wants To Be Wonder Woman

  1. I know everyone tries to come up with a top star to play a character, but sometimes there are better ideas. If anybody has ever seen a B movie actress named Mia Zottoli, you would have seen the PERFECT actress for Wonder Woman. This lady is exactly what Wonder Woman is supposed to be like. She’s athletic, georgous, has beautiful eyes like Linda Carter in the original and has that commanding look. I know that probably nobody pays much attention to these things but I just read a petition to have Charisma Carpenter play the role. I didn’t know who she was, but so far no actress comes even close to the look for the part as Mia Zottoli. Some of the execs should check her out.

  2. Wonder Woman should be played by women who resembles her

    Maybe Catherine Zeta Jones, or that hot chick from the Matrix Reloaded, Monica Bellucci.
    Or maybe Angelina Jolie. But not Lohan

  3. Whoa!!!!!
    Lindsay, Wonder Woman?

    How bout this….
    Mary Kate and Ashley, play the Wonder twins

    No wait, And let Hilary Duff be the director.

    lolololol hahahahaha……… Yeeeeeeeeeah Right !!!!!!!
    Get Real Lindsay Lohan, I liked you better when you had a twin

  4. I bet if the makers of this Wonderwoman movie heard all our suggestions, they would stay as far away from Lohan as humanly possible. I just can’t get over how insanely idiotic Lohan must be to think she would be good at Wonderwoman. I just think the role would be more-suited for someone with a tad more experience. Hell, Lohan would just bitch the whole time that the Press are hassling her for pictures and writing fake articles and she would hardly even concentrate on making the movie.

    Also I originally thought Charlize Theron would be good as WW, but she’s just done AeonFlux and it’s not fair to have the same person do two movies so close together.

    But what do you all think about my previous suggestion of Kate Beckinsale??

  5. Either Lucy Lawless, or what about Kate Beckinsale???

    It just popped into my head that she might be great in the role of Wonder Woman…..jeez there’s so many possiblities…..

  6. I have an opinion to change everyone else’s.

    Lucy Lawless.

    She’s tall, looks familiar in black hair, already knows how to kick ass. She would be perfect for Wonderwoman, even if they have to give her contacts to cover up those creepy bluey-grey eyes of hers. But I think she would be well-suited for the role…..what do you guys think?

  7. Brandon Routh as Superman, well all I can say is that’s perfect casting. Bale as Batman, yep also perfect casting. Joss will cast the perfect Wonder Woman, there’s no dout about that. Everything he has done up to this point has been amazing. Joss would only cast Miss Lohan if he was high and had a gun pointed at his head.


    That’s my ONLY response to LINDSAY!


    Actually, I have more of a response – Lindsay, noone knows who you are any more, you failed doing herbie, you REDUCED YOUR BREASTS and you’re just not that attractive – sorry.

    Wonder Woman is a SULTRY, GORGEOUS, HOT, SEXY super-hero.

    You’re not, Lindsay. Sorry.

    Salma Hayek – if she didn’t have an accent, but I love her accent anyway – would be the perfect Wonder Woman. So someone in that vein is much more appropriate. NOT LINDSAY!


  9. “everything that came out of your mouth was wrong.”

    So you are saying I don’t like Bale, the Batmobile or the story when I did? I think you are confused.

    I didn’t say there was anything wrong with Caine, I just didn’t like him. Mostly because he is way way over exposed. As the old joke goes “Micheal Caine isn’t in every movie, it just seems that way.”

    “please suggest who should have been cast as Superman other than Routh, because whatever you say, it will be wrong.”

    You’ve decided it will be wrong before I even type it.
    As for Donner and Singer, I don’t care if Zombie Christopher Reeve himself crawled from his grave and said Routh was perfect (before eating his brains), Routh still doesn’t look super.

  10. Rob…..ummmm, has anyone ever told you that you have por taste?

    Opinions are one thing, but pretty much everything that came out of your mouth was wrong.

    Batman= Inspired casting, Bale, Caine, Oldman, Freeman

    Superman= Smart casting, please suggest who should have been cast as Superman other than Routh, because whatever you say, it will be wrong.
    If Singer and Donner are happy, then I am happy.

    DC is far from Doomed, they are actually in the beggining stages of quite the resurgance and Im looking forward to it.


  11. John Campea,

    Well I think your wrong. muhhahahahahahaha

    Seriously though, I agree Batman Begins was decently casted. (I did not like Cane as Alfred but I reconize thats just a preference issue on my end) I liked the Batmobile and the general story. The bat suit was horrible but I guess so long as hollywood thinks people want to see their heroes in S&M rubber and leather suits. Before we start patting WB’s back, lets see how they manage a sequel.

    As for Superman, well John I know you have Routh colored glasses. I just hope I live long enough for Superman to come around again and they cast someone who looks like Superman again.

  12. That reminds me, Jon. Let’s say Lohan is cast. Do you think it’ll be another uproar like it was in 1989 when Micheal Keaton was cast as Batman?

  13. Well, after miscasting Superman, this would be par for the course. After all, didn’t Jack Black almost get casted in a Green Lantern movie? I think DC is pretty much doomed being tied to Warners.

  14. I can’t understand your argument against Lohan for Wonderwoman John. Wonderwoman is anything but a serious fucking movie anyway. Joss would be better off going for the younger female demographic anyway so Lohan could well be perfect.

  15. Hell come to think of it making a Wonderwoman movie is just plain ridiculous. Someone said Evangeline Lilly? Isn’t that Kate off Lost?? I don’t think that would be a good idea….doesn’t seem right.

  16. I’d like to see Lohan’s Mean Girls co-star Racheal McAdams or actress-stuntwoman-female boxer Naureen Zaim. I could even accept Mandy Moore. (seriously) But then, I started to think since this started, if Lohan, hit the weight room, I think she might get away with it, as far as the look is concerned.

    Would she be taken seriously? No, which means before WW, she should either to a suspense thriller or a drama piece and pove people wrong. Then again, Joss Whedon might get silly and fast and loose with dumb jokes – so maybe Lohan might be right at home.

    Now, I liked Lohan in “Mean Girls” and thought the remake of “Freaky Friday” had some laughs…but if…

    Okay. Give her an audition like everyone else. But let’s say she’s got it nailed. She’s buffed out and all men between 20- 37 who never thought one sexual thought about the lass have renigged and now salivate over her.

    It’s “look-there’s Lindsay Lohan on the screen!” Not “there’s Wonder Woman”

  17. I agree with Miles on this.

    Wonder Woman sucks! I mean, what can she do/ Make people tell the truth? wait, no, let me guess. They’re gonna make the JLU version and give her flight and super-strength. That would erase her having to fly around in an invisible jet with her body in PLAIN SIGHT! This movie just seems dumb.

  18. Have to agree with you there Nord, Rachel Mcadams would be great for the role. Evangeline Lilly is also another actress I would like to see play Wonder Woman. I have 100% faith in Joss’s casting. Maybe casting an unowen for the role would be better even. As for Lindsay wanting the role…..Well someone should have hit her on the nose and said: ”No Lindsay thats a bad Lindsay”.

  19. Personally I think Rachel McAdams would be great for the role, she is so diverse, but I also like that someone mention Jennifer Connelly, she would be ncie too.

    Lindsey Lohan is a terrible actor, just terrible, Joss wouldnt let her within 100 feet of this script, theres just no way. I also believe that he has some say in the matter, because I could totally see him just walking away from this project if they dont nail the actress, this isn’t his baby like most of his works, its more like babysitting, I think he just wants to get his hands on a comic book movie project and this is the one made available to him.


  20. i think this is really fascinating to see how the studio handles this.
    (and this is the only point of interest i have on this subject,
    -besides partying with the lohan)
    my view on this has been
    the only way this flick will make money is if it has
    a target marketed star in the lead.
    whedon or no whedon.
    i know there are devoted joss believers out there who will
    happily donate their organs to support a whedon movie.
    the only people who will see it outside of ww fans are who?
    whedonites? -as in serenity?
    the studio already knows thats not enough.
    if sarah michelle gellar was in the lead role, all smg fans would zealously
    see it- 5 times each.
    that thinking has to be used (and i dont think whedon is in charge of the thinking on this)
    i said from the beginning it would be jessica simpson or lindsay lohan
    in the lead.
    im not a fan and wont go see it no matter who is in it or not.
    just as ff was targeted at 10 year olds, ww will be / should be / has to be
    targeted at young teenage girls and so mr. whedon will just be all excited
    to work with the fine acting talents of duff, lohan, simpson (jessica or assley),
    or whatever disney brat is the rage.
    and just think of the merchandizing to the young teenage mtv disney fans.
    i think to expect anything more is unrealistic
    what way will the studio go…?

  21. Joss Whedon is well-regarded for his excellent casting decisions. He has enough clout to get the actors he wants for a project, not the ones the studio pushes on him. Unfortunately, his success has yet to translate to the big screen, so he may have to concede to studio demands if he wishes to be part of this project. I’m not sure Whedon’s style is particularly suited to Wonder Woman, but I’m such a fan of Firefly/Serenity that I’ll give him the benefit of the doubt. I’d like to see either Gina Torres or Morena Baccarin, both Firefly alums, cast in the title role.

  22. wonder woman sucks anyways, who cares?

    she is a broad with a lassoo, fuck spending 10 bucks on seeing it in the theater when i can spend 10 bucks in montreal and have it on my lap.

  23. Jennifer Connelly. Case closed. There should be no other possibilities even considered. I personally have been calling her my own private “Wonder Woman” for years. She can rope me with her magic lasso anytime.

  24. Hey Coddy,

    I don’t know if hair color is an issue at all. They can dye anyones hair any color and make it look perfect. I like the idea of Weisz… but I’ve never believed her fake American accent (which I think would become a distraction)… and I personally would like to see someone a little taller too.

    But hey… she’d be 100x better than Lohan



  25. Not that I really give a shit who gets the role, but i reckon Rachel Weisz or however the hell you spell it. The chick off The Mummy. Besides the hair colour, I think she’s well suited for the job as she already knows how to fight. Lindsay Lohan is too young and too much of a hero to 6 year old girls.

  26. Wow, Lindsay for Wonder Woman!! Yes, yes, yes!!! How supercool would be that!!! No, wait… oh my god, I can’t believe I haven’t thought of this earlier…. how about Hillary Duff? Isn’t this, like, the best idea EVER?

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