Richard’s Birthday!

RichardBrunton.jpgYes, this is a blatant self promotional post, and for no other reason than to say it’s my Birthday.

Movie related presents, Alias season four on DVD (before it’s on the telly in the UK) and Seinfeld box set! Loads of others, but these are probably the most interesting for you guys to know about.

Today I’m currently celebrating by writing from my bed, something (the writing that is) I haven’t been able to do for a few days because of work, and sporting a slight hangover…it’ll be bigger tomorrow no doubt!

Can I say that I continue to enjoy writing for you guys, even at the ripe old age of 35, and although t saps a lot of my home time I love it. So keep reading, keep commenting, and keep sending emails for Readers Lives!

Happy Birthday to me!!

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13 thoughts on “Richard’s Birthday!

  1. Umm, John… I’ll be 37 very soon. Are you planning to turn me into glue because I’m older than Richard and you can’t retire me from this blog? Seriously, it’s like Mike said, it’s all downhill from here. And you would sorta be doing me a huge favour. ;-)

  2. John, the idea of retirement implies some form of renumeration…so probably cheaper just to keep me here! Maybe one day we will have a Movie Blog meeting that’s not virtual…we are thinking of heading to the Canadian F1 GP next year, so there’s a chance.

    Simone – don’t be daft. I just got the first three seasons this morning! Keep your cash for yourself!

  3. That’s a good age Richard, I turned 35 last May, didnt know I was older than you though! LOL

    Ehr, you dont have the Seinfeld boxset yet? I saw that in your wish list last year, and it’s still there? Righty, email me your home address, I’m serious!

    Have a great day then! *winks*

  4. What!?!?! You’re 35!!! Oh dear… that’s clearly outside of our age demographic targeting range. I think we’ll have to retire you and set you out to pasture!


    Happy Birthday Rich. It’s on days like this that I wish we didn’t live an Ocean apart and I could throw you a proper celebration.



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